Difference Between UnManaged Code And UnSafe Code?

Sep 9, 2010

What is the difference between UnManaged code & UnSafe code???? Explain with an example

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C# - What Does Managed And Unmanaged Code Mean

Jan 18, 2011

Possible Duplicate:

what is the difference between “managed” vs “unmanaged”? I am a beginner in C# ASP.net

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C# - How To Call Unmanaged Code In Website And Host It In IIS

Mar 9, 2011

I have created a C++ dll. It works fine and does the job. I have created methods in asp.net that call the methods in C++ dll. DLL path is absolute. It works fine too. I then published the website onto a folder and hosted the website on IIS. I get an error message Exception Details: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'FilesCreator.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

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Configuration :: How To Security Exception Accessing Unmanaged Code DLL

Dec 25, 2010

I am trying to access unmanaged code(C++) dll in my asp.net web application project. I created a class to access library functions to be able to use in my application. The DLL is located in Bin Folder of my project. I was able to work with it fine on my localhost server but when I try it on the server where the application is hosted, it gives me this error:

Security Exception:


The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException:

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C# - How To Handle Exception Created By An Unmanaged Code Block

Dec 7, 2010

In my code i am running an exe file through a process call. How to handle exception generated by the exe file.

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Difference Between Object Code And Embedded Code?

Aug 26, 2010

i have a doubt difference between object code and embeded code .

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How To Make Difference In Code

May 11, 2010

This works and returns false ===> (username: <%= this._securityAccesspageBase.DirectReportAccesses.Count > 0 ? false :true%> )

This works doesnt work I was expecting false for the visible property:


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VS 2012 - How To Tell Difference Between Source And Published Code

Feb 5, 2014

How can I tell the difference between source and published .NET code?

I am looking at some inherited code that I have not touched in about a year. The original designer had me first publish locally before uploading the published code to the internet server. Now I am looking a number of backed up source folders as well bas backed up published folders. I should have done a better job at naming the folders, I guess. Now I wonder: How can I tell the difference between source and published .NET code? Is there some easy way to see if some folder that contains only published code is lacking a file or xml setting?

Is the .csproj file or the .sln file part of the code pushed to the server when you publish? What other differences are there that I are immediate and obvious?

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C# - Difference When Declaring A DataSource In Markup Compared To Code Behind

Jan 13, 2011

I have a legacy solution where all the DataSources are defined in the markup for all .aspx-pages. The problem I have with this is that the DataSource get instantiated several times since it is used in page, control... What I want is to have NInject to handle the instantiation of the DataSource so this doesn't happen. I have got that part to sort of work, but when the DataSource is defined in the code-behind instead of in the markup the Page property is not set on the DataSource, does anyone know why? A simple solution to this is to set the the Page property in a base class or something, but I do think that the property should be there and want to know why.

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Performance Difference In Having Huge Javascript Code Against .js File

Dec 9, 2010

We have a .aspx file which has about 400 lines of javascript code. Is it a good idea to have such huge code in its own file? What is the performance difference in having huge javascript code in aspx as against the .js file?

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Code Reusability / Put The Code In One Class And Want To Inherit Same Code In Each Page?

Apr 12, 2010

Following is the code to insert userName from session and PageName into table to keep record that how many times a user does hit a particular page.

To avoid repitition of code I want to put the code in one class and want to inherit same code in each page.

How to get this task? Please do share with me? Here is the OK code:


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Performance Difference Of Code In Aspx And Cs Files For Showing And Hiding Control Dynamically

Feb 18, 2011

I was thinking about the performance when I use code to hide some control in aspx page using delimiters or in cs file. For e.g. If I have a panel and I want it to get shown following some condition, so I can achieve this by two ways

1: Using code in aspx file, something like this

<% if(isAllowed) { %>
<asp:Panel ...></asp:Panel>
<% } %>

2: In the code file, something like this

<asp:Panel ID="pnlMyPanel" Visible="false"></asp:Panel>

And in cs file


In my view, first way should be good as it will not at all create any Panel in the page. Am I correct here?

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C# - Invoking Server Code After Client Code For A Control INSIDE AJAX PANEL?

Jul 30, 2010

I've the Javascript code to do a confirmation before deletion of some records

function confirmDelete()
if(confirm('Delete all?'))
return true;
return false;

I've the button code here

<asp:Button ID="btnDelete" runat="server" onClientClick="return confirmDelete();" onClick="btnDelete_click" />

If i've the button outside an update panel (basically i'm using RadAjaxPanel by Telerik) it is working fine. But when the button is inside an ajax panel, even if i click OK for deleting the records the server side code is not called.

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Visual Studio :: Missing Code Browser For Pages With Code Not In A Separate File?

May 1, 2010

I'm missing a the code browser when I create pages that have the code not placed in a seperate file. For pages with .asp.vb files I get the browser correctly.

I think it's called a code browser but just in case it's not I mean the dropdown that shows Page Events, Buttons and other controls that can be selected along with their events.

How do I turn on those dropdowns for pages with code behind that uses <script> tags in the actual .aspx page?

Included (Showing page events just under the tab):


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Web Forms :: Call A Code Behind Function Form Html Source Code?

Mar 3, 2010

I want to call a function present in code behind from front page (html : source code)

i want to use like this:

Source code

<a href='<%# linkAlpha("B").ToString()) %>' title="B" id="B_List" runat = "server">B</a>

Code Behind

protected string linkAlpha(string value)
// /market-research/<%#Eval("customname")%>/
string str = "";
if (Request.Url.DnsSafeHost == "localhost")
{ // /market-reports/<%# Eval("customname")%>/
str = "Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
// Response.Redirect("Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim());
// str = "/market-reports/" + value.ToString().Trim() + "/";
str = "/Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
return str;

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How To Call Code Behind Button Click Event Or A Code Behind Method From Javascript

May 18, 2010

how do you call code behind button click event or a code behind method
from javascript.

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DataSource Controls :: Can The Select Command Of A SqlDataSource Be Given By Code In The Code Behind File

Apr 16, 2010

Can the select command of a SqlDataSource be given by code in the code behind file. Also by calling the SqlDataSource.Select can the select statement be executed?

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Call Javascript Function From Code Behind After Server Side Code Executes

May 25, 2010

I have an asp.net button, that when clicked calls a code behind function. The function does some evaluation, and then I want to call javascript from within this asp.net function.

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DataSource Controls :: Binding An ObjectDataSource To A Property In Aspx Code, Not Code-behind

Dec 3, 2010

I want to bind an ObjectDataSource to a property in my asp page and I want to do it in the page's aspx code, not in code-behind. I've already done it in code-behind, as follows:


I'd prefer to get rid of the ugly code-behind and just do this in mark-up. Something like

This gives me a run-time error: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Object' from its string representation 'SelectedBook' for the 'DataSource' property.Is there a way of doing this declaratively and not in code-behind? Further, what if what I want is to actually use a child property of the property in question? For example, if my Book object has a ReaderComments collection, can I databind to it decaratively in the aspx mark-up?

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C# Sample Code Library Of Comon Tasks / Boiler Plate Code

Nov 12, 2010

anyone use/ know of any library or website with code snippets or samples with many of the mundane boilerplate code and/ or functions like data access, data scrubbing, recursive routines...

preferably c# since most of .net in the real world is c#. VB is ok too.

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Buttons / Property To Code In VB Behind Code?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a number of radio buttons on my page. When one is selected, I wish for certain controls to be made visible/invisible.

Can anyone tell me the property to code in VB behind code?

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Web Forms :: How To Generate HTML Code By Commands From The Code Behind Page

Dec 30, 2010

how to generate HTML code from the code behind?

I would like to build a form that generate an html code inside a for loop.

I will let the user enter the photo name and No. of photos

Then I will generate an HTML code like this:

<a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(1).jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(1).jpg" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(2).jpg" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(2).jpg" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(3).jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(3).jpg" alt=""
width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br />

depending on the No. of the photos the code will be duplicated in the loop

Then I will display the result of the loop in label or in a textarea to let the user copy it any where

The problem is that while compiling my code it considers the HTML code as a part of the behind file and gives errors on the single quote, the double quote and on the parentheses

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How To Use A Variable Defined In Code Behind File On Inline Code For Same Page

Feb 28, 2010

I have a page with a Textbox, a Button and a Label control. On Button_Click event , I store the value of Textbox in a variable called S using code behind.

I want to show the value of S in the Lable control using inline code but not using the code behind. ?

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Visual Studio :: Cant Copy Or Paste Code Snippets In Code

Jan 9, 2010

all of a sudden i cant copy or paste code snippets in my code. what can it be? neither i can copy the folder from the wwwroot folder.

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DevExpress Generates Thousands Of Lines Of ASP Code / How To Reduce The Code,

Nov 24, 2010

After insert a grid or any other tool into an aspx page it generates enough code for that tool(for ex.): <dx:ASPxGridView ID=ASPxGridView1 runat="server"></dx:ASPxGridView>...

But,after adding any property to this control (like Show group Panel) it generates more than 3000 lines of code in aspx page () and after adding any other tool the code is increasing in a enormous way...

How can I reduce the code, maybe there is a property(settings) in DevExpress option...

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