Disposing Controls Created On The Fly?
Jun 11, 2010
Is it a good practice if i am disposing my on the fly created controls.
Dim d07 As DropDownList = DirectCast(LoginView2.FindControl("ActiveViewTE"), DropDownList)
d07.SelectedValue = Session("CurrAdminEngineerID")
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Example of generated initializations on postback:
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<input type="hidden" name="_EVENTVALIDATION" id="_EVENTVALIDATION" value="..lots of text.." />
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get return new MembershipService(path, usr, pwd);
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$('<a>').attr({ href: '/Detail.aspx?id=' + result.it[i].pid, title: result.it[i].nam }) .html("<img src='" + result.it[i].url + "' title='" + result.it[i].nam + "' alt='" + result.it[i].nam + "' width='60px' />").appendTo("#SummaryDiv");
Any idea why this behaviour occurs? I also checked the css applied to these elements in chrome and FF.. they seems to have all the same CSS attributes.
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Oct 4, 2010
I am using asp.net/c# application. In my application, I have a gridview.<asp:GridView id ="gv_QuestionList" runat="server"> </asp:GridView>In Code Behind, I created dynamic textboxes and DropDownLists on RowDataBound.
I have a Save button out side the gridview which stores all the row values into database. when I click the "Save" button, I lost dyanamically ceated controls like textbox,dropdown and values (on postback).How can i get all the dynamically created controls and values after the post back?
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Aug 31, 2010
i created a gridview with two columns and 8 rows dynamically. All the rows are empty and editable at runtime. I am giving column names for this grid from some other .aspx page by passing column names using querystring.Because i am using this grid for three different pairs of column names. i would like to know how to apply Required Field Validator, Regular Expression Validator and Range Validator on Gridview textboxes. So that by using those validators i want to validate user inputs. And i would also like to know how to add rows at runtime for this grid.
I am using ASP.net 2.0 and C#.net for this.(Visual Studio 2005)
The code i am using to create gridview is below.
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Jun 15, 2013
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Sep 16, 2010
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Jan 28, 2011
I have a need to create controls such as textbox, dropdown, etc in code (c#). The number and data for them is all contained in a database.
What is the best way for me to create and add these to the page (need to be underneath the next one as in a table layout) and then how do I refer back to these in code on postback?
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Oct 18, 2010
I've got a set of ASP.Net pages that display a number of asp:TextBox fields depending on the number of entries in a configuration file. I know that the number of fields won't be going above 10 or so. Given that, should I declare a sufficiently large number of text boxes in markup, or should I dynamically create the textboxes in the code-behind?
There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach, which is why I'm having trouble choosing. The advantage to the dynamic approach is that the application is more flexible - even if the number of fields goes above 10, my application will be able to scale. The disadvantage is that I'm now mixing markup and logic - my application is inserting textboxes and literals (for the labels) into the page. This will make future maintenance harder because not all of the fields are in the .aspx file.
The advantage to declaring a large form and then just showing or hiding the necessary fields is that it keeps logic and markup separate. The disadvantage, of course, is that I lose flexibility. If the number of fields goes beyond the amount I anticipate (and there is a small risk of that) I have to revisit the application to add more fields. So, StackOverflow, which would you choose? More importantly, why would you choose your approach?
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Jul 20, 2010
I have a tree view with checkboxes for leaf nodes. If i click on checkboxes, I am creating some html controls dynamically. And in other static button click event I need to get an ID's of those dynamically created controls.
My Code is:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlOuter" runat="server" Visible="false" Width="650px">
<asp:Label ID="lblQtnrName" runat="server" Text="Questionaire Name"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtQtnrName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>...
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Jun 21, 2010
I will have to retrive data from database assume this is the data I got
|No | Name|
46 ANN
and so on. I will have to create checkbox dynamical by these data like this
checkbox ANN checkbox LISA checkJOAN
checkbox JACK
I will create a container and then create checkbok , then add control to container.. my problem is how to give it a break each 3 controls? and how to format them like this
<TD width =33%>
checkbox ANN
<TD width =33%>
checkbox LISA
<TD width =33%>
checkbox JOAN
<TD width =33%>
checkbox JACK
View 7 Replies
Jun 5, 2010
In my code behind (c#) I dynamically created some RadioButtonLists with more RadioButtons in each of them. I put all controls to a specific Panel.What I need to know is how to access those controls later as they are not created in .aspx file (with drag and drop from toolbox)?
I tried this:
foreach (Control child in panel.Controls)
"test1" and "test2" dont show up in my page. That means something is wrong with this logic.
View 3 Replies
Nov 18, 2010
I know this question has been asked thousands of times, and I've struggled with it before, but for some reason, I can't accomplish what I want to accomplish... I have a dynamically added LinkButton that when clicked will dynamically add a control (in this example, a textbox) to the same panel. The intent is to continuously add on as many controls as times the LinkButton was clicked (i.e. I click it once, one box, then another click will give me 2 boxes, another click adds a 3rd). In the code below, I use the current date and time serialized to create a unique ID for each textbox control.
When I execute the code, clicking "Add Filter" will generate a new textbox, but once clicked again will create a new one, and dispose of the one before it. Instead, I want to persist the previous textbox as well as any data submitted within it.In the aspx:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlFilter" runat="server">
In the aspx.cs:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
LinkButton lb = new LinkButton(); [code]....
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Jan 25, 2011
I want to preserve the dynamically created control when postback occurs .
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
} It can be achieved by calling CreateTable() in Page_Load. Is there any alternative way to preserve the control
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Aug 24, 2010
Example code:
var div = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
div.Controls.Add(new Literal() { ID = "litSomeLit" });
var lit = (Literal)div.FindControl("litSomeLit");
This code fails the assert, because lit is null. Debugging shows that div.Controls definitely contains a literal with ID of "litSomeLit." My questions are "Why?" and "Is there any way to get a control of a specific ID without doing a recursive search of div.Controls[] by hand one element at a time?"
The reason I'm doing things this way is that my actual application is not so straightforward- a method I'm writing is given a complex control with several subcontrols in a number of possible configurations. I need to access a specific control several layers down (eg, the control with ID "txtSpecificControl" might be at StartingControl.Controls[0].Controls[2].Controls[1].Controls[3]). Normally I could just do FindControl("txtSpecificControl"), but that does not seem to work when the controls were just dynamically created (as in the above example code).
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Aug 26, 2010
There it is written that controls should be added in Init event rather than Load event for the added controls to participate in the Postback data processing.But whose Init or Load event ? Page's Init or the containing container's Init event?
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