Encapsulate The Master Page / Tried To Build The Pages Into A Standard .dll To No Avail?

Feb 2, 2011

we've started writing a standard toolkit for our asp.net applications including one standard master page, stylesheet, errorpage, noaccesspage etc. that will be used by all our applications. Is there a way we can add these pages to each individual application from one central location - so if any of these standard pages change, we only have to change them once and not numerous times in our individual projects?? I tried to build these pages into a standard .dll to no avail.

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Nov 14, 2010

I need my child pages to be able to set the values of certain properties of the Master page before loading. In other words, how my application builds the Master page for the client depends upon what properties are set by the child pages on the back-end. For example:

public partial class mstrPage : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public int Rows { get; set; }
public int Cols { get; set; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
/* Build a .NET two-dimensional-array of divs
that is <Rows> tall and <Cols> wide. */

In this example, the child page needs to set the values of <Rows> and <Cols> before Page_Load() is invoked for the Master. This is fairly simple to accomplish with inheritance in OOP, but ASP.NET web pages do not "inherit" their master pages in the code-behind. In the given example, what would the code-behind look like for the ASP.NET child page that sets these properties?

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Mar 19, 2010

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Web Forms :: Master Page Changes Affect Other Pages

May 27, 2010

I have had this problem for a long time now and have just dealt with it but i am at the point finally that i need a solution or i need to look at other options besides visual studio for web development. it is way too time consuming now to have to worry about changing one thing and then having to search all other pages to be sure they are still fine. So this is what i have: visual studio 2008 pro sp1 asp.net web application targeting .net framework 3.5

a master page with several tables. i have broken out into several tables because it seemed to help the issue. the tables are all stacked on top of each other, no special positioning. the tables seem to be fine for the most part but if i make changes to the table which contains the content placeholder, i will find other pages have formatting incorrect, such as backcolor of text in different areas changed, bulleted lists are overlapping. when navigating to some pages, one of the tables i have at the top that is not related to the table with the content placeholdder, will not show the background picture, and it will show either different font size of the menu that is in the table with the content placeholder, or bold font on other buttons text, such as link button, on the master page.

so they seem to affect each other. changes on the master page affect the other pages and when displaying the other pages, whether in a browser in the IDE, parts of the master page will be affected. this is only on certain pages and they are never consistent. they will stay consistent once changed, but each time i make a change to the master page, the pages which are affected are not consistent. However, it used to be a issue that was always consistent with certain pages i kept in their own folder. i had taken the time once to go through them and make fixes and after that i didn't really have any more issues. but now they are being affected again as well as others.

i had started using link buttons instead of hyperlinks because it seemed to not affect the other pages when formatting them. for instance i would highlight the backcolor of a link with yellow, and other pages text in random places would show with the same yellow backcolor. it does not seem to matter what any of the affected text is in whether in p or div, it doesn't seem to follow a pattern other than sometimes it does seem to favor text that is bold. i think in some ways it has to do with new content pages i add to the site. those seem to be the ones that are usually affected for sure. but there are always others and i never know for sure which ones they will be.

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Can Page Inherit Multiple Master Pages

Jun 2, 2010

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Multiple Master Pages For 1 Calling Page?

Dec 7, 2010

I have 2 master pages with same (href) links on top of the page. Now these links load on the same master page when clicked on (by requirement). The problem is both these master pages have same links, so basically the same page shall be loaded in the master page.Now what i need is when the person is on Master Page 1 and clicks on the link it should load in the same page. Whereas if the user is on Master Page 2 and clicks on the same link, i should be able to change the master page from 1 to 2 and load that in Master Page 2. Something like DirectCast.

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Master Page Acting Wired On Different Pages

Aug 26, 2010

I applied this master page to two files..one inside the same folder(file1.aspx) as the master page..another outside(file2.aspx)..master page is applying alright to file2.aspx BUT not completely..a TD's bgcolor is missing..and ONLY that..why so TH files got no code of their own yet..just the application of the master pag

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Web Forms :: Master Page To Already Created Pages?

Mar 24, 2010

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Edit Page And Link To Master Pages

Jun 30, 2014

I have create a page with out link to master page. I want to edit this page to connect to master page. How do I do that?

again with another explanation

I'm using add content page to add page connected to master pages

If I create pages with out add content page how do i add this page to master pages;

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Web Forms :: Multiple Master Pages For One Content Page?

Jan 25, 2010

Can we use 2 master pages in a single content page without nesting master pages.

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Web Forms :: How Can Use Master Page Methods Into Content Pages

Mar 23, 2010

I have some of the methods in the master page,I want to inherit the master page to content page and use its methods...How will be able to do that..Do we have some techniques with inheritence?Please specify the techniques andPlease in C# with Code Behind...

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Web Forms :: How Many Master Pages Can Be There For A Single Content Page

Mar 10, 2011

Can any one tell me :- How many Master Pages can be there for a Single content page at max?Describe with details why is so also .

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Master Pages To Existing Page

Apr 17, 2010

I've more than 12 pages without any master pages applied to them. these pages have heavy javascripting and loads of controls on them. now i require to add these pages under a master page. how can i achieve this with minimal of effort?

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