Prevent EntityDataSource To Execute A Query If Controlparameters Are Invalid?

Feb 23, 2010

an ASP.NET web page I have an EntityDataSource:

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="EntityDataSourceOrders" runat="server"


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ADO.NET :: Storing The SQL Query Generated By An EntityDataSource Control?

Dec 17, 2010

I want to be able to store user searches on our website. The searches are defined using an EntityDataSource. How can I store the underlying SQL that is generated by the EntityDataSource?

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Web Forms :: How To Prevent Function() In JavaScript To Execute

Mar 31, 2010

I only want to execute this JavaScript function runEx() if publicVarFromCodeBehind != "abc".

I am setting the publicVarFromCodeBehind = "abc" in the Page_Load event but anyway the runEx() function is executing. I wonder how this works and how to prevent runEx() from executing though I need to catch the logic from C# and pass on the variable to the JavaScript.


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Prevent Error On Page When Resource Reference Is Invalid?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm using resources like this; " runat="server" />

Resources are maintained in a database and resourcefiles are generated when new translations are added. Sometimes bad references to keys happens. This results in error on the whole page.

How can I prevent the whole page from crashing when a resource does not exist? I just want a tiny error message where the resource lacks, like "Not found: Users.DetailsUserHeadline".

I also want to dynamically retrieve resources from code behind, by defining the key as a string "Users.DetailsUserHeadline" without any erros.

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SQL Server :: Execute One Query For Two Different If Statement?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to excute one insert query basend on two different if conditins. If one of them conditions is true then excute block of code.

For Example,

if exists( select * from tablename where docid = @docid and adv_feed <> 'sent' ) or
if not exists (select * from usaa_audit_fields_log where docid = @docid)
insert statement

I have tried using OR statement between them but it doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: Execute Query Based On Textbox Value

Jun 3, 2010

I have five(5) textbox

example: textbox1,textbox2,textbox3,textbox4,textbox5

if (textbox1) has contain some value i need to execute some query and like this i need to check if textbox2 is contain some value and textbox1 is contain some value then i need to execute query based on textbox2... now we left query which has on textbox 1 coz now textbox 2 has value and like this i need to check if textbox3 is contain some value and textbox2 is contain some value and textbox1 is contain some value then i need to execute query based on we left query which has on textbox 1 and 2 coz now textbox 3 has value.

i need to check if textbox4 is contain some value and textbox3 is contain some value and textbox2 is contain some value and textbox1 is contain some value then i need to execute query based on we left query which has on textbox 1 and 2 and 3 coz now textbox 4 has value.

i need to check if textbox5 is contain some value and textbox4 is contain some value and textbox3 is contain some value and textbox2 is contain some value and textbox1 is contain some value then i need to execute query based on we left query which has on textbox 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 coz now textbox 5 has value. so let me know how to achieve this.

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SQL Server :: Execute Dynamic Query From The Resultset?

Aug 24, 2010

I've a resultset that returns some 55 rows which is typically a dynamic query like [Select column_name from table_name where column = condition].

I need to execute this query which is in resultset and insert the value of column_name into another table.

I dont get the way as how to make it. Kindly suggest me as how can I execute it.

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C# - Use XMLHttpRequest To Execute A SQL Query And Return The Results?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm building a web app for my company that will run a query every few seconds against SQL Server, and the data that it returns is which database is restoring and how much % complete it is. I have the query already set up and it works fine.

What I want to do is on my Web Form, have a "div" element that will contain the % complete of a database restore, and have it update every few seconds using the JavaScript timer object:

setInterval(function, interval)

I figure I would need to use XMLHttpRequest to send the request to the web server which will run the SQL query. Am I on the right track? How would I even start to do this?

My SQL query is below:

Use master
Select der.session_id, der.command, der.status, der.percent_complete, *
From sys.dm_exec_requests as der
Where percent_complete > 0

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DataSource Controls :: Query To Execute The Job In Sql Server?

Apr 12, 2010

Is there any possibility to execute the job in sql server. I want to create the Job. then through the quer i want to execute this Job by passing parameters. can we able to do this.Actucally i want to execute the SP from front end. but suddenly it should respond to the page. but that SP will run for nearly 5 minutes.

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Databases :: Takes A Lot Of Time To Execute A Query?

Dec 14, 2010

I have table for past four years. It had a records for around 10 Lacks it was taking lot of time to execute so i removed recordes from the table. Table size was reduced to 29 thousand. Still when i execute a query from my application it takes more than 2 minutes to return.

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Looping Throug Multiple Sql Connections And Execute Query?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to loop throug multiple sql server instances (connections) and execute one query for all those connections and ouput in one grid.I am using checkboxes to show all of my connections. So far i have the following code: ( but the code only just executes the query on the first selected instead of the 2 or more selected connections.

Sub executesqlquery()
Dim instance As String
Dim instance1 As String [code]....

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Execute LINQ Query Using Properties Of Child Entity Set

Nov 25, 2010

I am having a meltdown over something that seems so simple and yet isn't working. Here's my scenario.

I have an object structure of tEvents, which contains properties of an event like a run of concerts. tEvents in turn contains an entity set of tEventOptions, which include properties like EventDate, Cancelled etc. I would like to query a list of tEvents using properties of the tEventOptions, for example filtering by date.

My pageis using a calendar object to show event dates. So I am trying to find if any tEvents in the List coming back from the database match the date of the day element being rendered in my Calendar control like so (in this snip 'data' is List and results from a db query):


Except r, my query result var, is always true no matter what data it receives. I have tried the sub query using other properties of tEventOption and get the same 'true' result each time. I know that the data does not reflect this result so I clearly have a problem with the structure of my query, but for the life of me I cannot find a way to resolve it.

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C# - Execute LINQ Query When The Tables Name Stored In A Variable?

Jul 30, 2010

I want to do execute a LINQ query, and I have the name of the table to query stored in a variable:

string tableName = "SomeTable";
DataContext db = new DataContext();
var vResult = from t in db.tableName where t.Id = ....

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SQL Server :: Cannot Find Execute Any Query, Stored Procedure Not Found Even If It Is There?

Nov 3, 2010

I am getting frustrated with this problem, I dont know what i did, but now I cannot execute any stored procedured when I could last time.When I use my application to run the query, it finds the stored procedure but when I execute it is sql management studio it says it cannot find the stored procedure even though it is there.I tried to execute other procedures and the samething happens. Even when I try a simple query it says it cannot find the tableI could execute the query if i placed Use [databasename] in front, but even with this, I cannot execute stored procedures.

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ Query Takes Too Long To Execute?

Jun 6, 2010

There is a table contains thousands of records. when I run this query:


The application takes too much time to execute this query...

What might be the reason for that?

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SQL Server :: Run Time Sql Query Error / Invalid Format Specification - How To Fix It

Oct 29, 2010

I have a stored procedure where i am creating a run time query.

Stored procdure compiled successfully. But when parameter is passed its have an error.


Its have a Error like this.

Invalid format specification: '% (RTRIM(LTRIM(baln))) % '.'.

when i am trying to execute it with bold parameter.

exec USP_GetRedemptionBYPlayer 'baln',null,null,null

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Data Not Get Inserted Even Insert Query Execute Successfully?

Mar 31, 2010

i made one window base application in VS2008 ( i made one simple code where i can insert data.and after inserting i can see that data on grid.when i am inserting data insert query runs perfect.after that for debugging purpose i fire select query and get result in dataset and its show data too.but when go
into database my inserted data not showing there.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim con_str As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(con_str)
Dim cmd, cmd2 As SqlCommand
Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter.....

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Web Forms :: ControlParameters To An LDS And That Famous Error?

Jan 5, 2011

I am trying to capture some user input and add it into a database. Here is what I have: { CreatePost.aspx }IMG][/IMG]And here is my code in the code behind file { CreatePost.aspx.cs }:


I have also went ahead with PeteNet's advice and added this to my web.config:


However I am still getting that famous error:A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (ctl00$content$txtBody="<p>Hello. This is ju...").I would greatly appreciate any help in sorting this error out.

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Overwriting ControlParameters Of DataSources In Code-behind?

Mar 8, 2010

I have an ObjectDataSource (but perhaps this question is the same for all kinds of DataSources which support parameter collections):

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="MyObjectDataSource" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetMyData" >
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MyTextBox" Name="MyParameter" Type="String" />

As you can see there is a ControlParameter bound to a TextBox on the aspx page. So the content of this TextBox is a parameter for my SelectMethod. But there is a special button on the page: When this button is clicked and a postback occurs I don't want that the DataSource extracts the content of the TextBox to control the selection, instead I want to set a specific hard value "x" as the selection parameter.

How can I do that? Can I "disable" in some way the ControlParameter when this specific button is clicked and set my special value instead? Or is there any other way?

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IIS Configuration :: Unknown Server Tag - ControlParameters

Feb 24, 2013

I keep getting a db parser error.  I took it from my text book assignment.  Here is the error and code:  I am confused with the problem

Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'asp:ControlParameters'.
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns=""><head id="Head1" runat="server"> <style type="text/css"> td, th { padding:10px; } </style> <title>Show Filter Expression</title></head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:TextBox id="txtGrain" Runat="server" />

[Code] ....

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DataSource Controls :: Select Query Not Working / Getting An Invalid Column Name Error?

Jul 9, 2010

i have the following select staement which deosnt work, can anyone advise me whats wrong with it:

string _name = ddl_Name.SelectedValue.ToString();
string cmd =
"SELECT ID, Telephone FROM User_List WHERE Name = '' + _name;

i keep getting an invalid column name error? and i know the syntax next to _name isnt correct. how are the single quotes meant to go?

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SQL Server :: Prevent Injection When Using Values From A ListBox In The Query?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm using a List Box to get multiple values that will be used in a query.I can loop over the List Box and create the string.i.e. 'blue','red','purple'The string is used in the query: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE COLOR IN('blue','red','purple'). Is there a way to parametrize multiple values? @COLOR='blue','red','purple'What will be the best practice to prevent SQL injections in this scenario?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Pass Multiple Values And Execute Query In Stored Procedure

Jun 2, 2010

basically i have two dropdown boxes to filter data and textbox with stored procedure bound to gridview.i want to be able to query data depending on the selected value passed,either using one or more parameter values.

i would like seperate sqlcommands to chose from depending on which controls i select to pass parameters.

i have included a parameter Select(control id) as this is declared by the wizard for stored procedure.

but i am not sure how it is defined on the page and passed to procedure.


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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownLists With ControlParameters That Reference Each Other?

Feb 15, 2010

I have two DropDownLists, and each one has a Control Parameter that references the other.

The idea is that if you select a value in either one of them, it restricts the possible values you can select in the other. And the user may select either one of them first.

Each one has an "All" option for selecting all values. (They are both used to restrict rows that populate a GridView).

This is all done using SQLDataSources.

The problem is that it doesn't seem to work at all. Both DropDownLists are empty, and the SQL that populates them never hits the SQL Server. But there is no error displayed.

If I have it going only one way, it does work, so I think the problem is the recursive nature of having them reference each other.

It would seem to be quite a common requirement, so its there any way of getting this to work?

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DataSource Controls :: Prevent Injection On Search Query From TextBox Control?

Jun 1, 2010

I've been reading up on SQL Injection and want to go back and implement some measures to prevent these kinds of potential attacks.For example, on our company intranet, we have an address book feature and a search function so the user is able to look a company or a person up from the database/The user will enter their query into a TextBox control and click the Submit button, calling the following function:addybookDS1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [addressbook] WHERE COMPANY LIKE '%" + search1 + "%' OR CONTACT LIKE '%" + search1 + "%' OR LASTNAME LIKE '%" + search1 + "%' OR EMAIL LIKE '%" + search1 + "%'"search1 is the TextBox controlI had previously implemented this measure:search1 = Replace(search1, "'", "''")But I want to know if there is more I can do here and how I can go about doing it.

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