Specify Different Level To Separate Appenders?

Jun 14, 2010

For Log4Net used in ASP.NET, how do I specify specify different levels to separate appenders in web.config?

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Web Forms :: Handle Error On Page Level Or Application Level?

Jan 31, 2011

I have to handle error related to web application. I am not sure how its works. I am thinking that I will add an error page (error.aspx) and in global.asax ,application_onError, I will redirecting the user to error page and that should be enough ! i mean it will handle error automatically.

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Iis7 - Configuration Granularity Between Machine - Level And Site - Level?

Apr 29, 2010

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Top Level Domain From URL In C#

Jan 10, 2011

I am using C# and ASP.NET for this. We receive a lot of "strange" requests on our IIS 6.0 servers and I want to log and catalog these by domain. Eg. we get some strange requests like these:


the latter three are kinda obvious, but I would like to sort them all into one as [URL] IS hosted on our servers. The rest isnt, sorry :-) how to retrieve [URL] from the above. Secondly I would like to match the m., wap., iphone etc into a group, but thats probarbly just a quick lookup in a list of mobile shortcuts. Could handcode this list for a start. But is regexp the answer here or is pure string manipulation the easiest way? I was thinking of "splitting" the URL string by "." and the look for item[0] and item[1]...

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C# - Get The Top Level Domain?

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C# - Can Set The ID And Password On Directory Level

Aug 9, 2010

I am developing a application where i am performing the Download/Upload using WebClient and BITS. i have a virtual directory in IIS6.0/7.0. i have to set the Authentication to the that directory(Id & Password). currently i m using basic IIS authentication in which we can pass id and password but using same user id and password we can login to server.

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Is there is any way from we can set the ID and password on Directory level or any other alternative.

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Want To Know About Medium Trust Level ?

Sep 4, 2010

what Medium Trust level is ?And what does it mean :

"More and more ASP.NET hosting providers are enforcing a Medium Trust Policy on their servers.Therefore it is important to make your website work (as much as possible) in environments where medium trust is enforced."

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Sep 1, 2010

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Check For A URL's Top - Level Domain In C#?

Sep 13, 2010

how do I fetch "fr" out of this? JUST "fr" actually what I am trying to do is change masterpages at runtime after detecting a visitor's country..Yes I can use the countryCode variable which is there in some other class but thot may be I can do it like this only..just wanted to try..logic basically is:-

if(its "fr")
//apply masterpage 1
if(its "in")
//apply masterpage 2

Is it possible ? What will be the right way anyway ? Making that class that contains CountryCode variable as a utility class and using the variable from there in my new class OR fetch this value "fr" or "in" off the URL ?? How do I do this ? Is it possible?

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Best Way To Maintain A 3 Level Hierarchy?

Oct 22, 2010

How can I maintain a 3 level heirarchy by using a gridview?

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Get To The Next Level Of Assocation In An EF4 EntityDataSource?

Mar 3, 2011

I've used EF4 EntityDataSources to do DataBinding with success, but here's a case where I'm stumped:

Table "CurrentComplaintsByUsers" has a foreign key over to a "Complaints" table. So in EF, I can access a CurrentComplaintByUser record, and navigate to its parent complaint like so:

var ccU = dataContext.CurrentComplaintsByUsers.First();
var parentComplaint = ccU.Complaint;

When I whip up an EntityDataSource based on CurrentComplaintsByUsers to bind a gridview, I want to get over from the "Complaint" object to an Assocation of Complaint called "Status". Here's a StatusID in my Complaint table, and so in code I can hit a complaint's status like so, including the Status properties:

string statusLabel = parentComplaint.Status.LabelText;

FAILURE: when I try to bake this all into an EntityDataSource, I can't get from my starting item "CurrentComplaintsByUsers" over to "Status". Here's my EDS:

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="edsCurrentCases" runat="server"
ConnectionString="name=EOCaseDataModel" DefaultContainerName="EOCaseDataModel"
EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="CurrentComplaintsByUsers"
Include="Complaint, Status">

My error is this:

"A specified Include path is not valid.
The EntityType 'EOCaseApp.CurrentComplaintsByUser' does not declare a navigation property with the name 'Status'."

I'm trying to get to the point where this works in my Gridview:

<%# ((CurrentComplaintsByUser)Container.DataItem).Complaint.Status.LabelText %>

So, using declaritive markup only, how do I get to a related objects associations from the EDS? (I can do it in code, just trying to use the EDS exclusively when I can)

Other notes: if I remove "Status" from the "Include" in the EDS, then I get a NULL ERROR when it hits ..Complaint.Status.LabelText in my Gridview, pretty much what you'd expect.

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Get First Level Of Children By LINQ?

Jun 22, 2010

I have such XMl


I need to get the first level of children:


I try to do like this

var list = x.Descendants().Where(e => e.Name == "list" || e.Name == "topic");

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Machine Level Authentication?

Feb 12, 2011

When I submit a form to other page in my ASP.NET site, it asks for windows authentication. How do I remove this?

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How To Separate Userlist Into Pages

Nov 22, 2010

I have a list of users on my MSSQL database that I want to display on a page. But it's like 500 users and it takes a little while to load it. How can I get started with making it create seperate sets of user so that it has like a page 1 page 2 etc?

The list is not bound to a server control, I am just getting the data using JSON from JQuery AJAX so theres not really much ASP.Net involved at this point, except that the JQuery calls WebMethods in the code behind. The table is then created using Javascript.

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SQL Server :: Separate Web & Database?

Nov 4, 2010

Currently, we have our ASP.NET applications running on windows server 2003. All of our data resides on an IBM ISeries / AS400. The 400 people are going to be creating massive new tables with millions of records. Because of this, I've been asked to look into the idea of putting new ASP.NET pages on the IBM ISeries server. This server uses APACHE. I have read that to do this, I will need to use the Mod_Mono Apache module. I would like to come up with a list of benefits and drawbacks to this new idea. Initially, it seems like this is a bad idea for a few reasons:

Security: if a users gets unauthorized access to our local server(s), they will only have access to either DB or web server, not both. Maintainability: Microsoft ASP.NET is easier to implement on a Microsoft Windows Server. Problem Solving: I will have to first determine if an issue is due to the ISeries server, or the Apache server, or the ASP.NET application. This could be countered by saying that I would already have to determine if the issue is due to Windows server, or ASP.NET application. However I have better experience with troubleshooting on a windows box that I am familiar with.

Problem Creating: I could escentially create a problem that not only takes down the web server, but the database as well, and other RPG programs running on the ISeries. Resources: The database server will not have to server my application, it will only have to retrieve the data for it.

Drivers: The windows server already contains many drivers and .DLL's that are used... will these even exist on the ISeries? How easy (if even possible) would it be to get them on the ISeries if they dont exist..? A few positive thoughts: The application will reside on the same server as the data, thus, it may be quicker at retrieving data from these millions of records in a table. This was the main point as to why I should look into this possibility. Single point of failure. We no longer have to worry about two servers going down and causing this application to be unavailable...

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Using Shared Function In A Separate DLL

Jan 18, 2011

I have CMS and FAQ as 2 different modules/projects each uses a different DLL file. When those two modules was structured as the same application. I was using the following piece to get the FAQs categories as part of my menu


Now those two modules are separated. .. Can I use the following shared function which is already exist in the FAQ separate DLL to loop the categories? and how can I do it?


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C# - Loading DLL Into Separate AppDomain?

Dec 22, 2010

I am writing a plugin architecture. My plugin dlls are located in a sub directory from where the plugin manager is running. I am loading the plugins into a separate AppDomain as the following:

string subDir;//initialized to the path of the module's directory.
AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
setup.PrivateBinPath = subDir;
setup.ApplicationBase = subDir;
AppDomain newDomain= AppDomain.CreateDomain(subDir, null, setup);
byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(dllPath);//dll path is a dll inside subDir

However. newDomain.Load returns an assembly which the currently domain attempts to load. Because the plugin dlls are in a sub directory, the current domain cannot and should not see these dlls and the current domain throws a FileLoadException"ex = {"Could not load file or assembly ... or one of its dependencies."

The question is, can we load an assembly into a separate AppDomain without it returning the loaded assembly?

I know I can add a handler for the AssemblyResolve event in the current domain and return a null, but I would prefer to not to go this route.

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.net - Two Web Applications In The Same Solution - How Can I Keep Them Separate?

Mar 22, 2010

I have two web applications in the same solution.They both use different membership/profile and role providers.They are named differently. When I run the solution, and visit one website, and login everything is fine.I then go to the other website, it thinks I am already logged in and the profile provider tries to load profile properties that do not exist.How can I keep them separate, so when I try to log in on one site, it doesn't think I'm still logged in on the other.

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Having Real Trouble Adign A Third Level?

Sep 6, 2010

I have created a nested repeater using dataset relations before, but am having real trouble adign a third level

<asp:Repeater ID="rptModules" runat="server">


Do I have to cast the third repeater and then databind it the same as the second one?

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Any Way To Get Domain Level User Groups?

Mar 31, 2011

In asp.net/c#, is there a way to find all of the AD level user groups from a given domain in which the logged in user belongs to? E.g. I have a domain level user and few groups. I want to pass in the domain name and the logged in user's user name and get a list of AD groups of that particular domain.

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Get The Top - Level Domain Of A Client Computer

Nov 13, 2010

I need to get the top-level domain of a client computer accessing my website. How do I do this? (code snippets in VB would be preferred).

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Handle Low Trust Level In Web.config?

Dec 14, 2010

I am having an issue with caching of a web application while deployment to a webserver. the application require full trust level to be assigned but i am having partial trust level. How can i handle it. I am using Microsoft enterprise lib caching. site is displaying an error if FullTrust used nad for medium code doesn't work.

this is the error message on my website

"The current build operation (build key Build Key[Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.LogWriter, null]) failed:

Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. (Strategy type Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration.ObjectBuilder.ConfiguredObjectStrategy, index 2)"

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