Want To Learn Each Concept Of Enum In .net?
Apr 28, 2010
i am fresher, so i want to learn Enum deeply.
What is enum, when to use it and why to use it?
Because i want to clear from basic. Infact i want to become my basic concepts strong in OOPS, Collections.
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<asp:SqlDataSource ID="datasource1" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ConnectionStrings:ConnectionS tring%>" SelectCommand="Select * From ManageClient"
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<td>Type of Plan</td>
<td><img alt="Required" src="/Images/arrow.png" /></td>
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="radioButtonListPlanType" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="objectDataSourcePlanType"
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<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="requiredFieldValidator10" runat="server" ControlToValidate="radioButtonListPlanType" ErrorMessage="Type
of Plan is required."
SetFocusOnError="true" />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objectDataSourcePlanType" runat="server" SelectMethod="ListPlanTypes" TypeName="Candle.Web.PlanRequest.CommonWeb">
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sub1.mydomain.com & sub2.mydomain.com.
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I have the same code in web.config of each domain.
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for ex. mydomain.com ---------> F:/HostedSites/mydomain
sub1.mydomain.com ---------> F:/HostedSites/subdomain1
sub2.mydomain.com ---------> F:/HostedSites/subdomain2
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and sign out code is
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string name = fileupdImage.FileName;
fileupdImage.Visible = this.fileupdImage;
fileupdImage.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("images/" + name));
string path = "images/" + name;
[Code] ....
Error occurred in following line as COM unhandled exception.
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Nov 23, 2010
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public ActionResult ShoppingCart(int eventID)
Event e = eRepository.GetEvent(eventID);
var cart = Stalbans.Models.ShoppingCart.GetCart(this.HttpContext);
So once i will go to the shopping cart page from the order page and again coming back to the order page it has to show the same cart total. Actually data is persisted in the cart total but it is not showing .Because if you add one more item its amount will added to the existimng cart total and then shows the current cart total. So for the first time i click back at that it has to show the already existed cart total in the cart total value.
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Feb 11, 2010
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Whole different question J
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Feb 12, 2011
I am facing an critical problem in Enum serialization in WCF. Here is the scenario: I have an enum like this...
[Serializable] [DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.geniusdoc.portal.com/serivces/2011/v1/GdService", Name = "AppointmentMode")] public enum AppointmentMode : int { // 1: Email, 2: Phone [EnumMember(Value = "1")] None = 1, [EnumMember(Value = "2")] Email = 2, [EnumMember(Value = "3")] Phone = 3 }
Here I decorated each enum value with [EnumMember], so that I can use the Enum as Data Contract in WCF.
And, AppointmentMode will be saved as INTEGER in database. So I need to serialize this Enum to its value. So I have specified value to each member like... [EnumMember(Value = "1")]
If I use the above code as it is...SvcUtil not considering Enum Text, and generating the Enum in Proxy as below...
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")] [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name="AppointmentMode", Namespace="http://www.geniusdoc.portal.com/serivces/2011/v1/GdService")] public enum AppointmentMode: int { [System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute(Value="1")] _1 = 1, [System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute(Value="2")] _2 = 2, [System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute(Value="3")] _3 = 3, }
If I remove the Value from [EnumMember(Value = "1")], while deserialization is considering Enum Text, and giving results as below
Expected result:
1. Enum in the Client proxy should be same original Enum.
2. Enum Deserialization should consider EnumValue, such a way that it will return
How to get this done?
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Jan 23, 2010
i have tables like Lookup and lookupvalues in the lookup table like and lookup values like
LookupId LookupName | lookupValueId lookupId Name
1 Country | 1 1 Usa (country)
2 State | 2 2 All(state)
3 Relation | 3 2 Colarado (state)
4 3 agenttoClient(relation)
now i want create enum class form databse
my req is
enum lookup{
Country,state,Relation(these should be come from Databse when ever application intialised)
now i able acces lookupvalues
lookup.Relation.1=>Agent to client
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Aug 6, 2010
These days I see that every other job posting requires LINQ and WCF. I have spent lot of time on LINQ, was fun to learn.
Now I want to move on to Web Services and WCF. After goggleing for some time, I am not sure either go for web services or WCF.
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