When Call An Update Settings, Cannot Bind Value To Null
Sep 8, 2010
I have a ASP.NET page that contains a formview and ObjectDataSource. On the page I only have 4 fields that are bound to fields in my datasource. My datasource contains 10 fields. When I call an update it is setting the 6 fields I am not binding to to null. The only way I can find it get around this is to add hidden fields for the 6 unbound fields and bind them to the datasource.Is there anyway around this without using hidden fields?
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I'm curious to know why the database won't update on the click of the Update button:
According to all I've read, the above code should be sufficient. Since CommandName is set to Update, it would seem that no code-behind is necessary.
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Jul 14, 2010
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Here, you can see Custom Control and the Button declared. The button is in an update panel to avoid giving a full POST and causing the whole page to reload.
<cust:CustomControl runat="server" ID="CustomControl1">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <ContentTemplate>
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="DoStuff" />
</ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>
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Text ="<%# Bind(Math.Round('Amount', 2)) %>"
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Dec 21, 2010
i have datalist.i can bind datalist but problem is that null value does not bind.but all values are not null.
my scenerio is asign click btn click then view open then insertion and save.if free class btn click then another view open and then insertion...in asign class it can bind but free class not bind.while i m providing day and period also.so why they canot bind?
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Apr 12, 2010
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Jan 12, 2010
I am using a FormView control. The allows me to update records in the database. However, when a database field is null I can not update the field on the form. It works fine when the field is not a null value. I am not using any code behind (C#) to bind the data or manipulate the data.
I have read that when there is a null value in the database thatthere is no record in the "dataset". Can anyone show me how to bind a value in the form when there is a null value previously.
cription" content="" /></asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageTitle" Runat="Server"> <asp:TextBox ID="TextTitle" runat="server" BorderStyle="None" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="18px"></asp:TextBox></asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content2"[code]....
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Jul 27, 2010
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Mar 11, 2011
I have a pretty basic sql update statement that is looking for lots of parameters. It's possible that since a field isn't required, that a user will not make a radio button selection. If that is the case, I just want the field in my sql table to remain as a null value. But, what I have now, updates the sql value to a "0". How do I tell sql that if there isn't a value for this parameter, to update the field as Null? Here are my parameters and part of my sql update statement. What am I doing wrong?
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Mar 28, 2010
I have 10 tables in MSSQL I want to select some info from this tables and show on a webpage (formview maybe(based on user selection)). Also, Id like user to be able to EDIT this info, and it should go back to database.
The problem is that: the realtionships are pretty comprehensive. In sql management studio I saw awesome view creation, where u can drag and drop tables and select just the field u need, and it automatically do all joins for you.
View would work perfect for me, but i need to update database back. Maybe I can use linq classes?
I mean, its easy, but it takes a lot of time to do it by hand programatically. Is there some dragandgrop-like feature in visual studio?
what is the easiest way to bind multiple tables in one place with crud operations available?
sql datasource supports only 1 table at a time.
I Found on the web that we can use stored procedure? Do I need two stored procedures? for select and update? how we are going to bind update procedure with textobxes where user is going to edit info? Do you have some samples?
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Sep 13, 2010
Can anyone reliably get the EDS to save a nullable column to the databse as a "null" when bound to any of the controls such as "FormView"?I have tried using several different UpdateParameters (Session, ControlParamater, Parameter, etc). I have tried setting "ConvertEmptyStringToNull" to true and leaving the property off entirely. Nothing works. On my "Inserts" it works fine.(I have made sure the column is set to nullable = true in the Entity Designer.....)
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Mar 27, 2011
I'm populating an object model with a linq query. The model looks like this:
DateTime AppointDate {get; set;}
int TotalAppoints {get; set;}
int AppointDuration {get; set;}
The linq-to-sql query looks like that:
public static GetAppointsFromDB(params){
var MyQuery = from....where...
select new MyModel{
AppointDate = ...,
TotalAppoints = ...,
AppointDuration =...};
return MyQuery as MyModel;}
In the master page, I'm looking to load the result of this query in the session like this:
if (Session["Appoints"] == null) {Session["Appoints"] = GetAppointsFromDB(...);}
When I run with the code, the session is always null. I added this line a second time, just right after, and the query runs again. When I'm looking to use the session at some other point in the code, it is null too there too. The query works because when I put a breakpoint on the return statement, I see the object properly filled.
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Jan 9, 2010
here is my update query syntax.my problem is.if i update only logo1 and logo3 with null logo2 and img null then my query should be update the other record.just dont update null value record but other should be update.but below my query can not update any record.
UPDATE tbitem set itemname= @itemname,note=@note,
where id =@id
and @logo1 is
null and @logo2
is null
and @logo3
is null
and @img is
View 1 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
I have a database field called ImageLocation, I have the ImageUrl property bound to: Eval("ImageLocation", "{0}")I would like to bind the Visble property to false if the ImageLocation is null data. I can not figure out how to set the control properly, currently the Datalist shows me all the data and when the image location is null it shows me the name of the Hyperlink control which happens to be Hyperlink2.
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Sep 23, 2010
I have a FormView which is bound to an SQLDataSource. When a user clicks on a save button the form, I need to write any changes made to the FormView back to the table.
I have a Stored Procedure on my MSSQL 2005 database that should be executed when the user clicks on the save button.
It appears the Update is firing, but when I trap the DbCommand object in the SQLDataSource's 'Updating' event, all of the parameters that should be passed to the Stored Procedure are coming through as NULLs. Consequently, the Stored Procedure isn't updating anything.
In the click event of the save button I'm explicitly firing the SQLDataSource's Update method:
The parameters in the SQLDataSource <UpdateParameters></UpdateParameters> section appear to be correct.
Can anyone give me an idea on what to investigate to figure out why it appears the Update is only picking up NULLs?
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Feb 24, 2011
I am using an EntityDataSource with a FormView on VB.NET application. The FormView contains an AjaxControlToolKit TabContains with multiple tabs. Due to the fact that each tab is a naming container, Bind doesn't work properly for updating values (as discovered from reading other posts on stackoverflow). I instead have to declare UpdateParameters on my EntityDataSource. Example markup is as follows:
<asp:FormView ID="fv" runat="server" DataSourceID="eds" DataKeyNames="ID">
<asp:TabContainer ID="tc" runat="server">
<asp:TabPanel ID="tp" runat="server" HeaderText="Tab 1">
This works great, until a customer is edited and their name is set to nothing (assuming in this case, a null name is allowed). The Name UpdateParameter is set to Null but the ObjectStateEntry is not set to modified for Null properties, even if previously the Entity had a value specified. As long as the name is changed to something other than Null, everything is updated correctly.
I found a workaround by putting the following code in the Updating event of the EntityDataSource.
Dim ose As ObjectStateEntry = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(action)
For Each p As Parameter In eds.UpdateParameters
This makes sure that each property in the UpdateParameters has its state set to modified. It works, but it seems like a hack and I can see it causing problems down the road. Is there anything else I could do?
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Dec 14, 2010
I am attempting to bind data from a dropdown list that was populated from another datasourceID. I've bolded what I believe is relevant to this issue in the code below. But basicly its binding the proper county on the pull down menu but when I hit form submit it dosnt postback that info instead its null.
View 14 Replies
Mar 9, 2010
I have a ListView where I am trying to implement Updating. My update parameters are not sent to update command correctly. The value sent is the original value and ignores what I type into the EditItemTemplate. Running a trace on my SQL Server verifies this. In this example, I am only trying to modify [dedamt]. What is wrong?
View 11 Replies
Mar 29, 2011
How can I bind radio buttons to an sqldatasource for update ?
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Apr 13, 2010
I have a Gridview showing the data on one of my tables, and when I try to edit the data in one of the columns after I click update, rather than updating the record with the new value I typed in, the rows become null as in, everything in the row I just edited disappears. This inmediatly makes my application crash because one of the fields in my table (IssueDescription) doesn't allows null values.
This is the code, which is actually 100% auto-generated from when I created the GridView control and specified in the options to implement update, delete, edit options.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ticketNum"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" [code].....
What is making the rows turn into null after the update? I did some research and tried to define the Update behaviour myself using RowUpdating function. After hours of learning how to use it I got it to "work", but because the Update turns everything to null when it updates, the sqlconnection command I use to do the query sends null anyways. I can paste the C# code if you'd like to see it, though I'd rather not use it if the auto-generated by asp above can be fixed instead.
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Nov 2, 2010
So I have followed this tutorial to try and me edit a record in a datalist.
When I click update after updating anyfield it throws a NullReferenceException was unhandled by the user code. Here is my code.
protected void DataList1_UpdateCommand(object source,
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