Upgrading Visual Studio Web Service Project Says To "convert To Web Application."?

May 4, 2010

I have a Visual Studio 2003 web service project that I have to upgrade to Visual Studio 2008. After I have run the conversion wizard, I get this message: You have completed the first step in converting your Visual Studio .NET 2003 web project. To complete the conversion, please select your projectin the Solution Explorer and choose the 'Convert to Web Application'context menu item.I got this message with another project, which was originally a "web site", rather than an ASP.NET "web application". It made sense to in that case (sort of). Why, however, would I not just want to have this project remain a web service project?Additionally, when I follow the instructions and select "Convert to Web Application" from the context menu, I don't get any feedback that anything has changed. Should it have?

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C# - Migrating From Website Project To Web Application Project In Visual Studio 2010 Causing All Controls To Throw Error?

Mar 29, 2011

I recently updated my VS2010 website project from .NET 3.5 to 4.0. Everything was working fine in the website project. Today I decided to migrate the website to a web application project as I have learned this is the best way to work in .NET. I split out all my class files into a separate class library and copied all my other content into my new project. Then I updated all the references and web.config.

When I build the class library, everything works great. The problem is happening when I try to build/debug the web application project. It is acting like all the controls are missing and it is also throwing a bunch of compile errors about the public properties I have in my master pages.

Control errors: "The name 'INSERT CONTROL NAME HERE' does not exist in the current context"

Master page errors:'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' does not contain a definition....

It is giving these errors for every single control and master page property in my entire solution.I notice when I add a new web.form to this project, it also adds a filename.aspx.designer.cs file in addition to the .aspx and .aspx.cs file. My existing files do not have these extra files since they were created in a different .NET version.

UPDATE: It seems I was missing the step where I need to right click on the new application folder and select "Convert to web application". I just did that and it seems to be a little bit better...

Now it is choking on Literals that are inside single quotes:

<div class='<asp:Literal ID="CssClassLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>'>

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VS 2008 Upgrading Application With Web Setup Project?

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i created a web setup project for my asp.net application. am trying to create an upgrade MSI that will only replace some few files in my initial installation (very minor upgrade). right now, am not getting it right because the whole initial set of files is been replaced. i guess i only need to change the package code, but i cant do this in VS.NET 2008.

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How To Organize Web Application Project In Visual Studio

Jan 31, 2011

+1 if you are specific to ASP.NET MVC projects.

Update 9:42 PM:

I am thinking about this from now as I need several developers across the globe to work on this project. We will be using VS 2010 and I heard some thing about web application templates.

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Jan 19, 2010

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Is there a conventional step-by-step procedure to follow in order to do such conversion? Or create a web site project, copy all files, and hope that you will get less than 1000 errors?

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Mar 25, 2010

In VS 2005 we need to install patch or VS2005 SP1 to create "ASP.Net Web Application" project.

how to create "ASP.Net Web Application" project in VS 2008? (Not Website)

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Mar 16, 2010

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Visual Studio :: Convert From Dataset To PDF In Console Application?

Jun 3, 2010

I am having set of tables in dataset, that need to convert into PDF in console application, i can do that in website by using this code

DataSet dsMainContent = new DataSet();
string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ToString();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn);
SqlDataAdapter sdAdp = new SqlDataAdapter();
sdAdp = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from CLIENT_MST", conn);
sdAdp.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
GridView1.DataSource = dsMainContent;.......

I am getting error in HTMLTEXTWriter its not accepting in console application.

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Sep 16, 2010

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Jan 20, 2011

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Visual Studio :: How To Build A Web Application Project From Command Line

Jul 7, 2010

How do I build a web application project from command line using Web Developer Express 2010?

I am using the same command format that I would use with devenv.exe (Visual Studio), so I can evaluate us moving forward to VS2010. However, I am having real trouble building our code. Our solution consists of 4-5 projects, consisting of assemblies. The last assembly is the web site code. The root .sln file is the one which when opening in the IDE can click Rebuild All, and the DLL's of each project are generated and then brought into the website project.

However, when I run vwdexpress.exe from the command line nothing happens and no Dlls are generated. This is not giving me any confidence to run with VS2010.

the command line is like so:

C:inetpubwwwrootmyprojectvwdexpress /build release mysolution.sln

The in folders of each respective project are empty, but it takes 3-4 seconds for the command to finish, which gives me the impression it did something.

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Create An Assembly In A Web Application Project In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 17, 2011

In a Web Application project in VS08, how do you create an assembly? E.g. you derive a class based on HtmlGenericControl to form your own div, override the ClientId and UniqueId properties, so as not to get screwed up id's on the client-side, and then you want to use/reference this control in an aspx page.

refer to David Lively's answer (c# control names) regarding the same thing. I have tried his solution but I keep getting "could not load assembly file".

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May 14, 2010

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Visual Studio :: Fail To Upgrade 2005 Web Application Project To 2008?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a vs2005 web application project, Since the server is upgraded to windows 7, so i upgraded this web application project to vs 2008, but failed, the error message is as below, Unable to read the project file XX.csproj. The web appilication project verovaluexmllistener is configured to use IIS to access local iis website you must install all of the following windows components. IIS, IIS 6 metabase and iis 6 configuration compatibility asp.net. In addition, you must run vs in the context of administrator account . by default, windows runs applications in a limited -privilege user account even when you are logged on to the computer as an administrator, To run Visual studio with administrative privileges, right click the visual studio .

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Trying To Implement Custom Profile Fields In Visual Studio 2008 Web Application Project?

Mar 18, 2010

I've been working on this for a while now and nothing has been a bigger pain in asp.net. I'm trying to implement custom profile fields in my visual studio 2008 web application project. I've read a lot of tutorials but they all seem to be either out dated or don't apply to web application projects. Last night I got a little closer to solving the problem when I found the "Web Profile Builder" for web applications. I've successfully set this up and can handle static profile data.I've got my web.config file setup and I can access my custom profile fields by Profile.CustomField. Now I want to figure out how I integrate this with the database and data connection. I know there are two standard ways to handle this, I would like to create new columns in the aspnet_Profile database (rather than the delimited key/value option).I'm pretty new to asp.net and this is my first project with c#, .net, and asp.

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Visual Studio :: EntityDesignerBuildProvider Error In System Web.config When Upgrading ?

Apr 13, 2010

My web site used ASP.NET 3.5 SP1, MVC 2, and EF. Last night I tried to upgrade to ASP.NET 4 (& EF4) under VS2010.

If my views are compiled (MvcBuildViews property is true), then the build fails with this error message:
Error 5 Could not load type 'System.Data.Entity.Design.AspNet.EntityDesignerBuildProvider'. C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Configweb.config 129

It's actually complaining about my system web.config file.

If MvcBuildViews is false, then it will run (and compile the views normally just fine).

OS: Server 2008 R2, all updates applied at time of writing.

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Visual Studio :: Debugging A Website Really Slow Since Upgrading To Windows 7?

Jul 16, 2010

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate on my work computer. Before this debugging a website in Visual Web Developer 2008 was really fast - the page loaded up like a normal website would.

Since I've upgraded to Windows 7 the page loads like normal but gets stuck for about 30 seconds at the end of the load - this is slowing me down as I normally need to use the FireBug tool as soon as the page has loaded.

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Visual Studio :: Opening Visual Studio 2008 Project In Visual Studio 2010?

May 21, 2010

Anyone know if I can maintain a VS 2008 (.net 3.5) project by using the VS 2010 IDE ?

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