VS 2008 Upgrading Application With Web Setup Project?
Apr 27, 2010
i created a web setup project for my asp.net application. am trying to create an upgrade MSI that will only replace some few files in my initial installation (very minor upgrade). right now, am not getting it right because the whole initial set of files is been replaced. i guess i only need to change the package code, but i cant do this in VS.NET 2008.
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Then I receive this error: The "RenderBody" method has not been called for layout page "~/Views/Shared/_AuthLayout.cshtml".
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Mar 25, 2010
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refer to David Lively's answer (c# control names) regarding the same thing. I have tried his solution but I keep getting "could not load assembly file".
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May 10, 2010
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<remove name="LocalSqlServer" />
<add name="debugConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=UMAURSQL;Initial Catalog=debug;Integrated Security=true;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
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Jan 21, 2011
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Mar 18, 2010
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Oct 6, 2010
I am having some trouble upgrading an existing SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services installation from an old server to a new one commissioned for this purpose, which is running SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. I have been following the instructions here: [URL] but after trying to connect with reporting services 2008, i get this error: The version of the report server database is either in a format that is not valid, or it cannot be read. The found version is 'C.0.6.54'. The expected version is '147'. (rsInvalidReportServerDatabase) before starting the process, I ran upgrade advisor and got back the following results:
Description Setup can upgrade a SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services instance that uses a SQL Server 2000 Database Engine in the same instance. However, upgrade is blocked if the report server database is in a different instance, on a remote instance, or runs on a remote SQL Server 2005 instance in SQL Server 2000 compatibility mode.
*note, our reporting services IS in the same instance as the SQL Server 2000 database engine. However, upgrade advisor still reported that this instance can not be automatically upgraded.
Corrective Action Choose either approach to continue with the upgrade: Upgrade the Database Engine instance on the remote computer before upgrading Reporting Services. The server cannot be in SQL Server 2000 compatibility mode after upgrade. Move the reportserver and reportservertempdb to a SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 Database Engine instance, and then use the Reporting Services Configuration tool to connect the report server to the database.
so, I went with option 2, move the database then connect. I have: -backed up the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases from the old server, transferred them to the new and restored them to the 2008 Server as ReportServerOld. -I then renamed the old database to ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB, as this is required to use the database as a source apparently. I had to of course change the existing database names to ReportServerNew to perform the rename. I backed up the symetric key for this installation using the rskeymgmt utility...............
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May 5, 2010
I have to get the value from a textbox (not bound) that has been put into a formview control. The Submit button also resides in the formview control. I have this code in the button's click method:
Dim TestValueTextBox
As TextBox =
New TextBox
to get that value entered and store it into the enteredValue variable (and yes, I know I have to do validation, etc). But when this runs, the value of the text in the textbox is "". I tried to put this up in the page load event, but then I get an error about declaring New.
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Jul 26, 2010
I need to create the web setup project
1. the hide the code from the user(dll)
2.need to add some launh condition if the user machine doesn't has Crystal Report for 2008 and Chat controls for .Net 3.5 SP1 i make the project to instal the things first then install the project how to do this
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Apr 3, 2010
I'd like to implement a ADO.NET/WCF DataService and I am wondering what's the best way to setup a project in VS2008 SP1 for this purpose.
Currently I have an ASP.NET web application project (not of "WebSite" project type). The data access layer is an Entity model (EF version 1) with SQL Server database. I have the Entity Model in a separate DLL project and the web application project references to this assembly for all data accesses.
The ADO.NET/WCF DataService needs to communicate with the Entity model/database as well. It has to be hosted on the same web server (IIS 7.5) together with the web application.
Since the DataService is not directly related to that specific web application (though it will provide and modify data from/in the same database the web application uses as well) my basic idea was to separate the DataService in its own new project (which also references the Entity Model DLL).
Now I have seen that there is no project type "ADO.NET/WCF DataService" in VS2008 SP1. It seems only possible to add a DataService as an element to other existing projects, for instance Web Application projects.
Why isn't there a separate DataService project type? Does this mean now that I have to add the DataService as an element to my Web Application project? Or shall I create a new Web Application project and add a DataService to it? (I could delete the pregenerated default.aspx since I do not need any web pages in this project.)
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Mar 16, 2010
In one asp.net project, I created a setup project. It is working fine. Is it possible to add SQL scripts(to create database and store procedures) into setup project and run scripts automatically once client user installs the application?
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Jan 5, 2010
edit I do not want to redirect pages, specific files etc. I would like to change the path where images, videos and other media are stored from the root source directory to the directory of my choosing. In this case c:/dev/prjfiles/prjname/public (c:/dev/prjfiles/prjname/ is my working directory) and i except when my html does img src="/pic.png" it will find the image in c:/dev/prjfiles/prjname/publi/pic.png. I need a working solution, i tried looking at how to set virtual directories and etc. I cant figure it out.
View 7 Replies
Jan 17, 2011
I'm trying to figure out the best approach to architecting this project. Basically, it's a "band" profile site. I'm using ASP.NET 4, EF, and Automapper (structuremap too, but that's not important). I'm running into performance issues I have a EntityFramework repository class that interacts directly onto the EF objects using LINQ:
public class EntityDataRepository : IRepository
static EntityDataRepository()
// other mappings removed
// Data. objects are EF objects, mapping to my DTO classes
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