AJAX :: Every Single Action Caused The Entire Page To Reload When Accessed It From A Remote Location?

Nov 30, 2010

I know practically nothing about AJAX, but fully intended to utilize it in the future. Right now though I am noticing a behavior that may require that I implement it sooner then I planned.

I have been working on a fairily sophesticated web form that is made up of tables, dropdown lists, map buttons, and labels. As various controls are selected, specific tables are enabled or dropdowns/labels populated with information. All of this is working great, but when I put it all on a server and accessed it from a remote location, I noticed that every single action caused the entire page to reload.

From what I have read, it looks like AJAX and the UpdatePanel control will allow me to only refresh those areas that should be refreshed. Before I look further into implementing this, is this the only way to go? From what I have read on some other blogs, the UpdatePanel has some high performance costs.

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Feb 10, 2010

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AJAX :: ScriptManager Not Loading Script Resources When Page Accessed By Chrome?

Dec 4, 2010

During development of my site, I have optimized for all the common browsers, including Chrome and it works fine when tested locally on my dev machine. However, I have found out that when put on my live dedicated server, the pages that are delivered to Chrome do not contain the AJAX scripts and for example the treeview, which should load its branches dynamically, renders in such a way that a full postback occures. This completely breaks the site in Chrome.

Considering all things I could deduce about the problem, I would suppose that I may need a newer version of MS AJAX that supports Chrome, but I cannot find any version older than Feb 2007 and anyway, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is installed on the live server. That should contain the propper MS AJAX anyway, shuldn't it?

I've been researching this for more than a whole day now and cannot figure out what's wrong. I even matched and compared all settings of the site on IIS 7 on both my dev machine and the live server. Except a couple of, as far as I can say, unrelated additional entries on the live server, those are identical as well.

I tested using Fiddler that all the difference is made by the User-Agent request header. If I just add


behind the "Mozilla/5.0" bit, all is fine and I get response containing all it should. I suppose I could create a HTTP module that would add that bit to the mentioned header and then add that handler to the pipeline, but that would be an ugly solution, curing the effect, not the cause of the problem. And it may cause other problems in Chrome, too.

So my question is: What do I have to do (set up, instal) on the server so that the MS AJAX framework actually realizes that it can also handle Chrome?

I'm going to include few snippets of code to demonstrate the differences between the same page loaded in the same Chrome, but from two different sources - my dev machine's IIS (A) and from the live server (B). The applications running on both of these web servers are identical.

And the following shows the difference in generated HTML at the top of the <body> element:





There is still the typeof(Sys) === 'undefined' bit of code, which tells me that ScriptManager is still being loaded, but decides that other AJAX script should not be. But it does not even initialize itself so Sys is in fact undefined after the page is loaded.

There are also differences at the end of body:



versus B:


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AJAX :: Reload A Part Of Page?

Jan 18, 2010

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Jan 28, 2010

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Dim wc As New System.Net.WebClient
wc.DownloadFile(pathUrl, fileName)

PathUrl,fileName both are correct m 100% sure.

after execution of these 2 line my browser progress-bar goes in to wait state like something is retrieving.but file not download any where.what should i do next?

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AJAX :: Postback Method Updates Entire Page

Feb 19, 2010

I don't know why, but even using update panel, my postback method updates the entire page. I'm using a master page with aspScriptManager inside.
My ASP.Net code:
<div> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="updProva" runat="server">
<ContentTemplate> <asp:Panel ID="pnlProva" runat="server">
</asp:Panel> </ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel> </div>

The CodeBehind (C#) creating some RadioButtonList controls in my ASP.Net page, I'll post the main function and de Page_Load:
createTest function
Finally, the Page_Load:

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May 26, 2010

i thought of a textbox and a submit button,when submit button clicked comment extracted from textbox and saved into the database using sql.and displayed in literal.but all this is server sided,please help by providing example script for the following,please note i googled and googled but cannot find a satisfy easy and efficient answerOnMouseClickextract text from textbox saving it to a variable send the variable value to server instructing it to save the value in a db in a particular field of a particular table.simple words,facebooks comment box and the status updates box how are they implemented,thousands and thousands of them use it, still it doesnot get slow no postbacks observed to page reloading etc.

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Feb 2, 2010

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Mar 2, 2011

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Code i am using:


and from code behind


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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload Page Reload After Upload - Textboxes And Radiobuttons?

Jun 10, 2010

On my website I have a lot of textboxes and radiobuttons. The user fills in his data and selections and then the information is written in a file by xml serialization. This all works fine. Now the requestor want the possibility to read the xml file and show the data on the page again for editting purposes. To read the file I use the Ajax AsyncFileUpload control. When it is finished uploading it fires the following event:


The ReadData sub is reading the data from the file and placing it in the controls. But then nothing happens. Th page is not reloading itself to show the data.

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AJAX :: Using Go Next Page And Previouse Page Without Reload Page?

Jan 15, 2011

i have two page in asp.net and one page is a main page(Page 1) that have button Next. when i click the Next button it's will go to the Next page(Page 2) but i don't want the page reload. i try to use the Script Manager, UpdatePannel but it still reload page.

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AJAX :: Animated Gif And Entire Page Freezes During UpdatePanel Post Back?

Dec 16, 2010

I have been searching the net and found no clean cut answer to my problem. I have an animated spinning gif, that is displayed within an 'UpdateProgress'. This gif is to be displayed when the page is posting back to the server and processing.

The animation will start to spin but basically stright away it stops. I have noticed that the file menu within IE is also frozen at this point, up untill the page fully refreshes. I have tested in firefox and safari and am recieving the same problems.

developing in visual studio 2010, framework 4.0, IE 7,8.

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Access Webpage On Lan Or Remote Location Running On VisualStudio (2008)?

Jan 23, 2010

I am deving a webpage. For testing purposes i want to access the webpage via my VM and possibly ask a friend to mess with it remotely. The app is running in visual studios 2008. I put set my router DMZ to my IP address and i tried connecting via VM and remotely. No luck. How do i config visual studios to listen outside of the machine?

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AJAX :: ScriptManager.EnablePartialRendering - Demonstrate Partial Rendering Without Full Page Reload

Feb 27, 2010

I am reading a tutorial article on this site about Partial Rendering using ScriptManager.EnablePartialRendering - [URL] The article uses button_click to demonstrate Partial Rendering without full page reload. I copy exactly the same codes but everytime I click the button the page refreshes.

I have examined after the page is loaded - ScriptManager1.EnablePartialRendering = true ScriptManager1.SupportsPartialRendering = true I am using vs2005 .NET 2.0 and AJAX extension 1.0 (same version as used in the article)

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I just like to know if it is possible to export the PDF file to an FTP Server. I already have a link on how to export the report to PDF, but i don't know how to automatically transfer it to FTP Server..


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Disable Windows Authentication On Single Location?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a web application and I want to provide anonymous access to a couple of the web services in it so that we can access the web services from computers without a windows login on our network.

I've tried the stuff here Disable authentication on subfolder(s) of an ASP.NET app using windows authentication. I've done this:


These both "work" in that they allow access to the web service for anonymous users. However, it seems that IIS still sends an authorization challange because when I access the service from a browser I get a box to enter my username and password. If I hit cancel I get access to the page anonymously. However, some of our clients don't handle this well and just fail because of the 401 return code.

Is there a way to completely disable the windows authentication on that single location such that IIS will not try and establish a windows authentication?

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