Maintain Focus To A Usercontroll On Postback?
Feb 8, 2010How can I maintain focus to a textbox which is placed inside a usercontroll while on postback.
View 6 RepliesHow can I maintain focus to a textbox which is placed inside a usercontroll while on postback.
View 6 RepliesI am loading tabs (using ajaxcontrol tookit) dynamically and populating UserControls and inside tabs.
Now, I have only the below code in aspx. How to maintain the tab focus?
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
i have a WSS 3.0 Webpart that contains an UpdatePanel with a customized SPGridView. I want to provide instant filtering of data by adding a textbox below the column header when the column shall be filterable. There is a jQuery based solution for this on the net, but it's totally client side and doesn't work with paging, so i tried it on my own.
In the CreateChildControls of my SPGridViewExt class i have :
I've also overridden the DoFilterPostBackEventProcessing method to create a "[ColumnName] LIKE '%[textbox.value]%'" filterExpression for my datasource which also creates the LIKEFILTER_COLUMN and LIKEFILTER_VALUE ViewState Items so i can identify the textbox that should refocus on after the postback. The filtering itself works great, but whatever i try, i am not able to set the focus to the textbox after entering the first letter.
All these four methods don't work. The registerstartupscript call doesn't even render the script when i search the page source after postback. I also tried to add a HiddenField to my webpart and set it's value to the control id of the textbox in onfocus, then register a startupscript in OnLoad that focuses the control if the HiddenField has a value, but to no avail.
i have three textboxes in a page and one datagird and 1 timer control, i have 2 update panels.
i placed (all textboxes) in one update panel and i placed (data gird and timer control) in an other update panel, because i want to reset or clear all fields when cancel button is clicked so that update panel should be updated,and where timer control tick event is fired i rebind the gird or refresh the gird, i have done this and it works properly but problem is that when i am going to write some text in any textbox or i want to focus on any text box it should lost focus when timer control tick event is fired so how can i maintain focus, or even how can i get focus of current control and after firing of timer control tick event i should reassing focus of such control
my code is below
I have four controls in a page with update panel.Initially mouse focus is set to first control.when I partially post back the page to server the focus automatically moves to first control from the last focused control from the control I have tabbed down to.Is there any way to maintain the last focus?
View 1 RepliesI created an application that grabs jokes from a database on start and shows the first joke on screen. Now when we hit the Next button it should show the second joke. When I first grab the jokes, I put them in a globally declared datatable. To show the first joke I'm doing:
Title.Value = dt.Rows[0]["joke_title"].ToString();
Detail.Value = dt.Rows[0]["joke_content"].ToString();
Now when I hit Next button I'm running these commands:
Title.Value = dt.Rows[0+1]["joke_title"].ToString();
Detail.Value = dt.Rows[0+1]["joke_content"].ToString();
but when the Next button is hit, the page posts back and I lose the values in datatable. How do I solve the error without losing the data in the datatable?
Im using treeview in my apllication.i have apply css class for selecte node of treeview
when i run the page first time last node of my treeview automatically set that background color as i applied in css.....and if i select any node of my treeview as soon as my css has worked but after page post back it just do i maintain that css after postback... and last node of my treeview defaultly set css....
Does anyone know how to maintain postback while calling WebForm_DoCallback? it always set the vertical scrollbar of the page to the very top.
View 2 RepliesIf my model has a property of type Dictionary<int, int>, and I populate the dictionary in my GET controller action, how do I maintain the values so they are still there when I am doing a post to another action like this:
Using VS2008, .NET 3.5, and C#. The page contains (among other things) a dropdownlist and an objectdatasource. The Page_Load event fires the objectdatasource's Select event. The Selected event iterates through the returned datatable, feed each row into a ListItem, checks to see if a certain column is True or False and, if true, changes the styling for that row to color:red. Finally, the listitem is bound to the dropdownlist. The end users sees all of the dropdownlist items that are false in black and the items that are true are in red. Works perfectly. However, as soon as any item is selected, the page does a postback and the font colors in the dropdownlist revert to the default black. Is there a way, other than rerunning the method that iterates through table and creates the listitems, of maintaining the coloration of the items? Is there a ViewState setting or something?
Here is the dropdownlist and objectdatasource's Selected event:
I created a registration form where I have a radio buttun list and a drop down which have autopastback property true.
The issue is when the radio button or the value in drop down list are selected the page is posted back and the password and confrim password are disappearing after the postback. The post back is necessary.I want to keep the passwords maintained even after the post back.
i've a contact form that's plain html and an button to post everything to server side (and eventually validate).
the problem is that if server-side validation fails, input-values are not manteined.
what's the best client side to mantein fields value?
this is my actual jquery code, i use css selectors:
$("form").submit(function() {
var asapReqStr = "???";
var asapTmp = $(".asapRequired").val();
I have got the gridview to populate from my own datatable and there are quite a few results in the table. As a result I have a scroll bar on my gridview.
If there is only a few results the gridview works perfectly, however; When I select a row further down in the scroll it selects and highlights but refreshes the view to the top of the gridview.
I have a search page with 3 TextBoxes that users can filter a search with.
I have put the focus on the TextBox that contains text. If more than one contains text just focus on last TextBox.
After the code runs and a user searches, the focus comes to the beginning of the TextBox, not the end where it would be presumed. How to put insert marked at the end of that TextBox?
I have some collapse able anhcor link tags on a page that reveal some text when clicked on i.e.: [+] Topic This is all done in javascript client side. I would like to maintain the users scroll position on the page when these links are clicked on. They dont cause a postback as iv mentioned above its client side javascript.
View 6 Repliesi use html form and html control to submit data,like bellow:
after submit,the input email lost it's data,how to keep it?
I'm trying to make a form that could have one or multiple textboxes. I have a textbox and a button to add additional textboxes.
I have no problem adding a second textbox inside a panel but I want to be able to keep adding more textboxes every time the link button is clicked and later reference those boxes to be saved. I would also like to maintain the value of the textboxes there. They are not saved to the database until all the necesary texboxes have been added.
I added the textbox using:
private void button1_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
TextBox textbox1 = new TextBox();
that works fine, but when i click the button again it doesn't add an additional textbox which is what i need.
I have "n" <tables></tables> on my page and each <table> has One(1) <asp:CheckBox.. Enable ='true"/> and "x" <asp:TextBox Enabled="false"..>. Each Table looks as follows
When I click checkbox, it calls javascript function and enables textboxes (I have added onclick attribute to checkbox). Page also has <asp:Button ...Text="Submit"/> whcih actually grabs the data from the textboxes on the page and send it to the databse. Here is the Onclick event of the <asp"button../>
If the exception is thrown , textBoxes are not reset but on postback textboxes appear as disabled (values are not reset)
So here is what happening on postback when exception is thrown
1) Values are not reset (that is what want)
2) Texboxes appear as Disabled (that is what I don't want on exception, REMEMBER I enable textBoxes using client side script)
How can I keep the textboxes enabled = "true"
How do i Maintain ListBox scrollbar position on postback ?
further details*
Listbox is populated from database size can change.
Scrollbar is vertical.
ScrollBar position resets on postback.Is there anyway to maintain position ?I am adding UserControl(s) dynmically to the page, therefore I want to maintian positon (always maintain position at the end)Following is my .aspx file (Just to show where is the asp:panel and User controls)
how do i set focus to a textbox on a postback
View 1 RepliesI have a simple page where I want to filter a ListBox based upon a value(s) in a textbox - both are in an UpdatePanel.This works correctly, however, after the postback the textbox had lost I set focus back in the page_load.Then I noticed that the cursor was now at the beginning of the text when I want it at the end so the user can carry on typing, so I added an onfocus(...) attribute to the textbox to set the value back to itself (see code below).This works the first two times, but then it stops setting focus to the textbox?
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ListTest.aspx.cs" Inherits="SalesForceTest.ListTest" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
I'm having a really strange issue with the MaskedEditExtnder. I've attached some markup for one of the textboxes. I'm using a MaskedEditExtender and MaskedEditValidator along with a CalendarExtender so the user has the option to type the date or click on an image and pick the date.
So, if I enter/pick a date then select a control that forces a postback (usually a dropdownlist but not always) when the page is returned the focus goes back to the textbox I just entered the date in. So what about the MaskedEdit, MaskedEditValidator, CalendarExtender would cause the page to return focus to the control being extended? See markup below - am I missing something??
know how to set focus for checkboxlist.
View 7 RepliesI have a gridview that putted in ASP.NET Panel. both of panel and Gridview are in an UpdatePanel. there is a column in gridview that Causes Partial PostBacks. i want to Maintain Panel Scroll position on those postbacks.
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