Traverse A List And Retrieve A Specified Value From List<> In .net/c#

Mar 29, 2011

I have a list which is defined as List<SoftwareTitles> softwareTitlesList = new List<SoftwareTitles>();

and the SoftwareTitles is a class which is defines as follows:

public class SoftwareTitles
string softwareTitle;
string invoiceNumber;[code]....

And now I'm adding the values from the sql server database to the list defines as follows:

public List<SoftwareTitles> SoftwareListRetrieve()
ConnectionToSql con1 = new ConnectionToSql();
string connectionString = con1.ConnectionStringMethod();[code]....

I want to find out the software title for every occurence of invoice number by looping through List<>. And I don't know how ? I have tried to loop through the List<> by the following code. I wanted to use something like contains i.e., softwareTitlesList[i].contains but seems like there is no such property or method

for(int i=0; i<softwareTitlesList.Count;i++)

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{ %>
<li <%= "id="product_" + item.Id + """ %> >
<div class="item">
<%= item.Name %>
<% } %>

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List <myClass> listName=new List<myClass>



Second Page

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Invalid postback or callback argument

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Mar 7, 2011

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