VS 2008 External IP Address For RDP?

Aug 13, 2010

My office does not have a static IP address and when it changes I can no longer remote to my pc. How can I make a small app that will tell me what the new IP address is? want to run a small app on my pc that will email me of any changes. I can accomplish all of this except I don't know how to get that info useing VB.net use a webpage which tells me the IP of my router and lets me in but I cant do that if I am away from the office.

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Get The External IP Address Within The LAN?

Feb 3, 2010

i want to get the External IPAddress of the client system in the LAN, My server is their in LAN so nd i make a requst to the server through my local systems at the time i need that local system External IP Address through ASP.NET but it is giving the local IPAddress

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Load External Crystal Reports (2008) Files In C#?

Jun 14, 2010

it's possible to load external CrystalReports (2008) .rpt files?

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It would be nice if i can make changes to a reports layout without having to recompile anything. Is that possible?

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VS 2008 Getting User's IP Address / Box # In .aspx File

Nov 23, 2010

This is the current architechture and this is the question I have: Current architechture: We have an intranet application. No one accesses from outside the firewall. It's pretty simple architechture. We have a webservice and WebUI. The Web UI calls the webmethods of the webservice. So far so good. It works fine. Both webservice and WebUI runs under the context of the same service account (non human user account) that we created. The security is a role based security. If a user is a specific AD group, he can access with web UI. On the webui and webservice we have "Integrated windows authentication".

<allow roles="MycompanyApr-DataWriters"/>

So all the users and the service account that runs this webservice are in this AD group Apr-DataWriters. When a user launches this webUI, I want to find out either his box number of IP address of this box and datetime stamp. How can i get that information.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Solve The Error Downloading Metadata From The Address Error In WCF In VS 2008

Feb 24, 2011

I have an existing project with a silverlight3 app. First I created SALESservice.svc.This is working fine. Now I added another TARGETservice.svc to my project and rebuilded my entire project but when I am trying to add the service reference in to the silverlight app I get the following error:

There was an error downloading metadata from the address.verify that you have entered a valid address. I didn't write any code in ISALESservice.svc AND ITARGETservice.svc . I have written in SALESservice.svc.cs AND TARGETservice.svc.cs files.Is this causing error? But for SALESservice.svc it is working. I didn't add any code in web.config file.

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WCF / ASMX :: Exposing MEX Endpoint Address - WCF Test Page Shows The WSDL Address Wrongly

Apr 15, 2010

I have managed to expose the MEX endpoint of my WCF service and I can access it with the address like [URL] (example) and get the WDSL. So no problem there.

However, my WCF test page shows the address wrongly by using the server's name instead of the DNS name. And if I click on the link on the test page it won't work (can't get WSDL).

The WCF test page looks like this:

MyService Service

You have created a service.

To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service.


The WCF service is hosted in IIS6. I would like to have a test page with the correct WSDL address so users can see the WSDL quickly in the browser just by clicking on the WSDL address.

In short: How can I change the MyServerName to inter.mycompany.com on the WCF test page? Can this be specified somewhere in the Web.config?

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DataSource Controls :: Compare Current IP Address To Stored IP Address?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to pull entries from a database based on the current users IP Address. Here is what I have so far:


I am receiving the following error: Cannot find either column "Request" or the user-defined function or aggregate "Request.UserHostAddress.ToString", or the name is ambiguous.

Is it possible to do this? Should I try to access this information another way?

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Javascript - Finding Users IP Address And MAC Address From Web Browser

Sep 2, 2010

Is it possible to find out the clients IP and possibly MAC address from non IE browsers (i.e. without using ActiveX)? If so, how?

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Mobiles :: How To Obtain The IP Address Or MAC Address

Nov 9, 2010

How do I obtain the IP address or MAC address or some Unique ID of a device within a mobile app, either client or server side?

We are developing a web application targeting iPhone, BlackBerry and Android, generally device independent, and we are looking for ways to uniquely identify a device for added authentication purpose. Is there a way to uniquely identify a mobile device, regardless of the make and model?

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Visual Studio :: Will VS 2008 And VWD 2008 Both Use The Same VS 2008 Folder For Projects?

Feb 16, 2010

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Web Forms :: To Grab An Email Address From A Web Form And Email To That Email Address?

Jan 31, 2011

how do I grab an email address from a web form and email to that email address with the link to a webform?

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Creating XML Using C# And An External DTD?

Aug 3, 2010

This is my first steps with XML and I must send a XML by HttpRequest (Which is not a problem to me now). By I've a question about DTDs. According to the HttpRequest destination APIs, I must validate my XML using an External DTD whos located there (this is for Canada Post shipping : [URL]I know how to write / read XML, but not according to DTD... Is there a difference?Can someone tell me how and the easiest way to do that? I've look a good part of good post from Google and there's never what I'm looking for .ADD #1

Note : I know what a DTD for, and I can create one on my own with a plain text editor and basing the XML on the DTD, but I realy mean, is there a way to take advantage of DTD in C# (Creating an object or someting...)DD #2Add-on : Any of you guys already set up an application to talk to Canada Post API using webresque? Because I'm stunk! I send my request with my data and it never finish so never return response ... here is my code :

public oShippingResponse RetreiveShippingCost(oShippingInformations shipInfos) {
// Send request
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("http://sellonline.canadapost.ca");
XmlDocument xmlDoc = shipInfos.WriteAsXML();


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How To Read External XML From Website

May 18, 2010

I want to read an XML file located here

The data looks like this


And I just want to be able to access those values. My limited knowledge of XmlTextReaders has lead me no where.

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Using Proxy For External Communications?

Feb 24, 2010

Is there a way to configure a proxy for external communications from ASP.NET application ?For example when reading XML file from some other website etc ? If so how would I go about it ?

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C# - Extract Text From External URL?

Nov 26, 2010

I am making share a link feature like facebook. Currently I am parsing meta tags to get keywords, descriptions e.t.c but how to parse these type of pages [URL]ia There is no meta description for this page but facebook still fetches the following description:Wikipedia ( /ˌwɪkɪˈpiːdi.ə/ or /ˌwɪkiˈpiːdi.ə/ WIK-i-PEE-dee-ə) is a free,[3]web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Its 17 million articles (over 3.4 million in English) have been written collaboratively by volunteers around theHow can I extract such description if there is no meta description tag found on the page.

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MVC :: 2 - Syntax For External Link

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to create a link that is distributed via eMail. This link will direct the user to a View inside my MVC2 application. I will need to pass 2 parameters with this link. Background: The eMail is an invitation. The user will click the link inside the eMail to RSVP for a meeting. When the link is clicked I want the user to be directed to a certain controller action/view. The parameters will be an eMail address (string) and a meeting ID (int).

The controller action will use the parameters to process logic that determines what the view will display.
An example using the following would be perfect:

Controller action / View name: RSVPmeeting
Parameter: AttendeeEMail (string)
Parameter: MeetingID (int)

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Including External C# Classes?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to learn ASP.NET programming and here's my first big issue I need to solve:- I like to keep code separate from presentation so I've decided to use code-behing model - I've created default.aspx + default.aspx.cs and everything works nicely- Inside default.aspx.cs, in


I want to instantiate an object where its class is declared in a separate file and is part of a separate namespace. This is a simple PDF generation class that I wish to develop and use in other web and also desktop projects, that's why all these separation.- As a web developer I tend to avoid all kind of IDEs, as a result of this I am independant and I know every line of code in details. Do you think it is possible to bypass VisualStudio and code all the projects by hand? I believe this is quite possible with pure C# code but what about the problem I've described above? Can somebody please write the minimum directive(s) to include an external class or file. (I know about VS 'Add class...', etc. )

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C# - Get Image From External Server

Oct 15, 2010

We are storing our images at Amazon S3. Let's say the location is [URL]I want to copy this file and store it in our server. Is it possible to do this using C#. I am using asp.net 4.0.

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MVC :: External Assembly For Controllers

Aug 24, 2010

I would like to have a project that contains all of my Controller logic. I'm not concerned with using Areas, as these are still maintained within the same project. Consider this scenario: I have multiple sites/apps that require the exact same interaction in regards to a particular area, say CRUD ops on a user account. I do not want to create all of the controller logic for one site/app, recreate it again for the next, and make sure that I keep all maintenance to each in sync. I would prefer to keep the controllers in a separate project and reference them from the appropriate site.

I know someone will say that the controller logic is a lot of times specific to the application (as I've read elsewhere), but let's just say that it is guaranteed to be the same. I want to focus on the "how" and not the "why". So far, I've created a class library project with the appropriate references for accessing System.Web.Mvc. How do I proceed with the routing configuration for this? Is this idea even possible? I read a few older articles that were written when Areas were first being introduced that said to create separate projects for them. Is this idea similar to that?

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C# - Undoing External Dll Reference From Tfs?

Sep 7, 2010

When I undo an external dll in TFS, it looks as though it worked because I can compile with no errors. However, if I look in the folder where the dll lives it still shows the newest dll, which technically would not compile if I just did an Undo.

So, my question is, where does the old dll live after I do an Undo?

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MVC :: ActionLink To External Site?

Mar 24, 2011

How do you use and Html.ActionLink to go to an external site?

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Configuration :: Reflection + External Dll?

Mar 12, 2010

i have one interface . for which i need to send the input.input can be differe for person to person .i want to create a custom section in app.config .

<customsection url="">

for this i can create a libaray and do it ..many different libarray for many people with interface inclued in all ..this is want i need to do ...but the problem for me s i dont know wat library he s going to give me .. client will give me only the dll and i hv find the class name and its corresponding custom sectipon and call the interface method and get the output ..Reflection s the way but i dont know how to do it ...

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MVC :: Passing External URL To Page?

Feb 13, 2011

Because of a restriction on our analytics software, we need to pass all calls to external weblinks through a page - direct clicks to external links don't get recorded.Our classic asp page was simple. We had a link to out.asp?urlname and the out.asp did a redirect. I'm trying to emulate this in MVC without success.On the homecontroller, I've got an action:

Function externalLink(Byval id as string) as ActionResult
Return RedirectToRoute(id)
End Function

I thought I was close with the following actionLink:

<%=Html.ActionLink("more info at HMRC", "externalLink", "Home", New With {.id = "www.hmrc.org.uk"}, DBNull.Value)%>

But the URL that is formed is /Home/externalLink/www.hmrc.org.uk .I've had a route in mapRoute, but taken it out as it didn't affect things. I've tried replacing .id with a paramater name like .url so the url becomes Home/externalLink?url=www.hmrc.org.uk but the problem is really that it can't find the resource

Requested URL:

It does seem like a simple thing, but I guess I need to step away for a few hours and look at it again with fresh eyes - Sunday working wearing me out!

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SSL Loading External Images?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a web application that is using SSL. Is there anyway to load external images without the SSL warning dialog?

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Web Forms :: How To Add External Value In Between Row Array

May 7, 2015

I have query the data from DB using row in array. ow to add external value in between Array ?

 Example as below. 

oSheet.Cells[4, 3] = + "*" QueryDB.Rows[r].ItemArray[0].ToString() + "*";

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