Web Forms :: Can't Open Web Apps / Warnin 315 Entry Point Was Not Found

Nov 4, 2010

I cant open my web application design viewer . When i trying to click design tab it is showing warning message "Entry point was not found."

In my project i have used ajax 1.0 , vs 2005(C#)..

Application running without any errors.. But i cant see the design view in my pages ..

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Configuration :: .dll Loaded But Entry Point Not Found?

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<NEWBIE to configuration> I attempted to update a .dll from a 1.1 project to a bin directory and received the following error

Dllname was loaded, but eh DllRegisterServer or DllUnregisterServer entry point was not found.
Dllname may not be exported, or a corrupted version of Dllname may be in memory. Consider using Pview to detect the file and remove it.

I do not have the option of using Pview. I have attempted stopping iis then try remove and restarting server. What other options do I have to delete the dll, or reregister the new dll??

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Visual Studio :: Showing Warning Entry Point Was Not Found

Nov 4, 2010

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Created A Web App / Entry Point?

Nov 24, 2010

Just created a blank "ASP.NET Web Application". Where's the entry point?

I see "Default.aspx" which seems to be the default template that calls. "Site.Master" which I guess acts as a layout file. "Global.asax" that seems to provide some method stubs for event handling. And then "Web.config" which seems to have some site-specific settings such as a DB connection string, and some authentication stuff.

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Security :: Single Point Of Entry For 2 Web Applications?

Oct 29, 2010

I already have 2 web applications running. both of them are using membership and accessing the same database but their application names are different. so basically in my aspnet_Users table, i have users with different applicationIDs and in my aspnet_Applications table I have 2 records in there. so i have 2 separate login locations


What my the business wants is to only have a single point of entry. so they want something like this


and by verifying the username and password pair, my code should be able to route to the appropriate app and bypass its login form. (don't be concerned about the duplicate username between applications, it's been taken cared of)

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C# - Ionic Entry - Page Not Found When Redirect

Nov 29, 2010

When I redirect, it says Page not found. what is wrong with my ionic Entry? code behind

Response.Redirect(my site's url + "editques/" + "QuesID/" + QuesID + "/" + PID + "/" +QuesTypeID);
ionic entry
RewriteRule ^/myweb/edit/$ /myweb/Edit.aspx [I]
RewriteRule ^/myweb/edit/PID/([^/]*)$ /myweb/Edit.aspx?PID=$1 [I]
RewriteRule ^/myweb/edit/QuesID([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)$ /myweb/Edit.aspx?QuesID=$1&PID=$2&QuesTypeID=$3 [I]

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Nov 27, 2010

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Open Website Not Found In Visual Studio Ultimate?

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What should I do to get the New/Open Website back?

P.S: Although I am not sure, I attribute this to initial settings I choose on the first run of Visual Studio Ultimate. I have selected some thing like General Development Settings. Will changing to Web Developer Settings solve the problem? If so, how to change the settings?

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I would like to embed Python code in an ASP.NET Web application.

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when i put the To email to be an Gmail,yahoo, hotmail email "as in example" or another domain.com email, the code is working with no issue, but when i put the recepient email to be any of Google Apps Emails, unfortunately the email didnot received. does the SmtpClient have a problem with google apps?

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I found this very usefulĀ [URL]....

How to display No Match Found when there is no data with the entered initials.

Ex: zz

OutputĀ No Match Found

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Ive saw two example:

* One where the unit of work and repository both have an instance to the service layer..

Link: Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable

Doesn't use a service layer but its obvious that one could be use in that case.

* Second where the unit of work have an instance to the repository which have an instance to the service layer..


What would be better ?

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Sep 22, 2013

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Dim id1 As String = "11022"
id1 = " + idtxt.Text + "
Image1.ImageUrl = "~/photos/" + ID + ".jpg"
End If

there persons whose photo is not uploaded in server . i want to show an alternate image name notfound.jpg if the photo is not found

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Aug 18, 2010

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Or how to make when user blick b utton, it ask to download power point from website

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