Web Forms :: Using UrlDecode '+' Present Gets Converted To Blank?

Oct 22, 2010

I am using System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode() function to decode the url. In case if the encoded url has a '+' sign this gets converted to blank.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Server.UrlDecode(Request.Form.ToString ())?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a web page which has few comments box which multi line asp text boxes. When i submit the page, i pass all the data as Server.UrlDecode(Request.Form.ToString()). Before submitting it to DB and splitting the string based on & and manipulating the values.
But when the user types in & in the comment box, my string manipulation gets messed up and i am getting "Index outside the bound" error.

Is there any way to encode user typed & and manipulate it?

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Web Forms :: Pass Each Value Present In Any(specified) Column To A Text Box Present On A Remote Page

Jun 18, 2010

my requirement is : am having a excel sheet with some values listed i want to pass each value present in any(specified) column to a text box present on a remote page (a site other than mine) as a input and capture the result displayed on the page and then store the input and reuslt side by side in db this should repeat till the end of the input values in the excel sheet.

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C# - MVC - Blank Model Not Returning Blank Data

Jun 2, 2010

I have a form which a user can fill in x times with the data they want too. The form is posted to the following Action.

public ActionResult Manage(ProductOptionModel DataToAdd)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(DataToAdd);
var ProdServ = new ProductService();
if (DataToAdd.ID != 0)
//Edit Mode.
DataToAdd = ProdServ.EditProductOption(DataToAdd);
ViewData["Message"] = "Option Changes Made";
DataToAdd = ProdServ.AddProductOption(DataToAdd);
ViewData["Message"] = "New Option Added";
var RetModel = new ProductOptionModel() {ProductID = DataToAdd.ProductID};
return View(RetModel);

So at the bottom I blank the model (Leaving just the required field) and then return to the view. However the view holds the data from the previously submitted form. I have debugged the code and checked that the RetModel variable is empty.

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Configuration :: Accessing Databases / Able To Connect To Database Present In Same Server But Not With Database Present In Other Server?

Mar 8, 2011

I am developing web application using asp.net. Here i need to access two databases in which one is present on other server. I am able to connect to database present in same server but not with database present in other server.

I am using MS-access. I dont know the changes to be done and syntax for database connection.

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Web Forms :: Outputting PDF As HTTPWebResponse Converted To MemoryStream

Nov 12, 2010

I have a file, a.pdf, stored on a SharePoint server behind Windows authentication. I want to make a.pdf available through another Web app with forms authentication. Basically, link is clicked and up pops the open / save as dialog for the pdf (or other document file) I've set up my HTTPWebRequest and passed credentials, getting my data into a stream (file.GetResponseStream).

I've tried converting the stream to a byte array and then using response.write or response.output.write with no luck (stream not seekable) I've tried using a streamreader and doing a response.write(streamreader.readtoend()) and response.write(memorystream.toarray(),0,memorystream.toarray().length) with no luck (the message received from the server could not be parsed).

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Web Forms :: Greek Characters Cannot Be Converted In Database?

May 20, 2010

I have an application in which if I enter greek characters it gets diplsayed correctly till they are in cache but when I go to another webform andcome back this data is passed to database and comes back and is not right it shows something else than the greek character I entred.

What could be the problem, is it something to do with database conversion or what?

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Web Forms :: NULL Can't Be Converted To INT.The SQL Datatype For This Querystring Is Int?

Jul 31, 2010

specify a querystring to be always null when there is no value to pass?I always get an error saying NULL can't be converted to INT.The SQL datatype for this querystring is int.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Converting Aspx Page Into Pdf And Then Emailing The Converted Pdf?

Feb 23, 2011

I am looking for any lib , or any solution. What I want to do is to email the generated results with some images on the website which for instance is something like results.aspx,I have got an email button for the clients so that they can email themselves the result page in a pdf format.

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Web Forms :: Value Of Type 'System.Web.UI.Control' Cannot Be Converted To 'ProductDetails'

Nov 4, 2010

get error in the header after this


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Web Forms :: SQLDataSource Error - Value Of Byte Cannot Be Converted To String

Sep 15, 2012

I have datalist bind with sql datasourceI have update command

Protected Sub DataList1_UpdateCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListCommandEventArgs)
Dim ID As String = DataList1.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex).ToString()
Dim title As TextBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("textCategoryName"), TextBox)
Dim image As FileUpload = CType(e.Item.FindControl("FileUpload1"), FileUpload)

[Code] ....

It shows the error in the line

SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters("image").DefaultValue = image.FileBytes
Value of byte can not be connverted to string

I also change the sql datasource parameters for image from object to byte

<asp:Parameter Name="title" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="image" Type="byte" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" />

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Web Forms :: Value Of 'Byte' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Data.Linq.Binary'?

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to get the following code behind to store a file in a datbase using Linq (with *dbml). I am getting an intellisense error in my "For each" loop the says the following":Value of 'Byte' cannot be converted to 'System.Data.Linq.Binary'I have been searching for awhile, but I can't seem to find a solution that has worked for me yet.


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Web Forms :: MaximumValue Property Of 'RangeValidator1' Cannot Be Converted To Type 'Date'?

Aug 20, 2010

I am getting error message: The value '31/12/2050' of the MaximumValue property of 'RangeValidator1' cannot be converted to type 'Date'

Asp.net pages were working fine before but after reinstalling the VS2008 on new machine and copied the old pages to new machine i am getting this error message.

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Web Forms :: Can Uploaded Tiff File Be Converted To Jpeg Before Saving To Disk?

May 10, 2010

My website provides a facility to upload images, using the ASP.NET FileUpload control. We accept both jpeg and tiff formats but I have just decided that all tiffs should be converted to jpegs at the time of upload. If possible, I want to avoid saving the original tiff to disk. I would any sample coding for achieving this conversion prior to saving (ideally in VB.NET, though I could always run C# code through a converter).

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Web Forms :: Uploaded Tiff File Be Converted To Jpeg Before Saving To Disk?

Jan 6, 2011

My website provides a facility to upload images, using the ASP.NET FileUpload control. We accept both jpeg and tiff formats but I have just decided that all tiffs should be converted to jpegs at the time of upload. If possible, I want to avoid saving the original tiff to disk.

I would appreciate any sample coding suggestions for achieving this conversion prior to saving (ideally in VB.NET, though I could always run C# code through a converter).

View 31 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Get The Url Present In The Browser

Jul 26, 2010

I will try to be very clear in the description of my issue.

To access a page on the intranet, I have to use this url


if I am accessing it form outside I have then to use this other url


My goal is to detect whenever someone is trying to access the page externally. To acheive it, I am using in the web page the following method

Request.Url.ToString() but it is always returning this value http://intranet-staging/_layouts/CrashTestApp/Default.aspx regardless if the page is reached from outside or internally.

Request.Url.ToString() is actually all the time returning the url on the server.

is there a way to get the real url used to access the page so that I can detect people accessing externally ?

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Web Forms :: Present Different Labels For Different Users?

Sep 9, 2010

I need to be able to present different labels for different users.

If Adam is logged in I need the label for a field to read "Age:"

If Bob is logged in I need the label for the same field to read "How old are you?:"

The input for both fields will still go into the same column in the database. So both fields targets the column "usrAge" in the DB.

I would like a stable solution which would work for 1000 users and each user has it's own label for age. Ciould I map them in an XML file or maybe store the different labels in a specific table in the database. I don't know? Is there a general solution to this kind of problem?

I think this problem is fairly similar to language translation of labels...only I need to specify the labels as users are created in the DB, each with a new label name.

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Forms Data Controls :: Key Was Not Present In Dictionary?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm trying to execute an aspx page but get this error.

Server Error in '/' Application.

The given key was not present in the dictionary. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.


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Web Forms :: Errors When Using Dropdownlists Stating A Value Is Not Present?

Aug 20, 2010

randomly get errors when using dropdownlists stating a value is not present. This occurs when there is a value in the table (its a very old table with inconsistencies in data entry) that is not in the current values that are part of the dropdownlist. I'm wondering if there is a way to override this in the code behind. What I would like to be able to do is have the form control bypass the fact that the data is not in the dropdownlist when it opens in edit mode. I'm thinking that there needs to be something in the code behind but I'm not sure if that is the way to go and if so, how to code it.

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Web Forms :: How To Find The Number Of Tables Present In An XML File

Sep 17, 2010

Can any one let me know "How to find the number of Tables present in a XML Schema File"?

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Web Forms :: Find Control In A Textbox Present In A Wizard (in VB)?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a wizard named as "Wizard1" which has a Textbox named "tbRegion". Now I want to get the value from the textbox into a label "Region". Now this textbox is in step 2 of the wizard.

So right now I have tried:


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Web Forms :: How To Present An Audio/video File On Website

Dec 16, 2010

Is it possible to have visitors to my website hear and see audio/video "mpg" files? I could not find any controls that output audio or video. Otherwise, is linking to u-tube my only other option?

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Web Forms :: Print Button Present In The Toolbar Of IE Not Working?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm facing issue with the print button present in the toolbar of IE. Whenever i click the print button, the page's prerender event is called. This happens only in IE. When i try to print with Firefox, this does not happen. I have an iframe in first.aspx page. In the prerender event handler, I'm giving the iframe source as follows.

iframe1.Attributes["src"] = "second.aspx"
In second.aspx, i read an image file, convert into byte array and display it in the first.aspx iframe as follows.
catch(Exception ex)
response.write("Error loading the image");

The image is displaying properly in both firefox and IE. But when i try to print it, i'm getting error in IE. Also, when i ran in debug mode, i found that on click of print button, the first.aspx's prerender event is being called (only in IE).

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Web Forms :: Present Video And Audio In A Site With 3.5 Platform?

Feb 19, 2010

I want to present video and audio in a site with 3.5 platform. Using mediaplayer or flv player?

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Web Forms :: Install Not Present Fonts Dynamically On Client Pc?

May 4, 2010

i have in my website in which i have used certain fonts that are sometimes not present on clients computer is it possible to detect if certain font is present or not and if not present directly install it on client computer

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