Web Forms :: Running C# Pages Inside A Vb Masterpage?

Jan 3, 2010

very simply as the title says, is it possible to run c# pages inside masterpages that are written in vb?

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May 28, 2010

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I am trying to call that sqldatasource from within a newpage based on the 2nd masterpage, but so far I it has proved unsuccessful.

I have tried the following code on a asp button :

dim cph as contentplaceholder = page.master.findcontrol ("contentplaceholder1")
dim data as sqldatasource = cph.findcontrol ("reportaccesssql")

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<link href="styles/salon.css" rel="s." type="text/css" />

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C# - UpdatePanel's PostbackTrigger That Is Inside A Usercontrol Inside A Masterpage?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a masterpage and inside that masterage is a user control that has a toolbar with a save button. I then have an aspx page that inherits form t he master page. In that page I have and updatepanel. Is it possible to set the post back trigger to the Save button inside the usercontrol?

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Web Forms :: Error In Running Master Pages?

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I am trying to compile simple master page but i keep on getting following error.

Compiler Error Message: CS0426: The type name 'child' does not exist in the type 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage'

Source Error:


Line 140: }Line 141: Line 142: [TemplateContainer(typeof(MasterPage.child))]Line 143: [TemplateInstanceAttribute(System.Web.UI.TemplateInstance.Single)]Line 144: public virtual System.Web.UI.ITemplate Template_head {

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Web Forms :: Running Aspx Page Along With Asp Pages?

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to add aspx pages to my website which already has Asp Pages. I made a virtual directory and pointed to existing website where I have placed new Aspx files along with previous Asp files. Now when I try to execute the file. It runs good in first attempt, however, when I click a couple of times of "click me" button browser keeps on processing and does displays my message again.

Code in Default.aspx.vb
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label1.Text = "Heello how are you?"
Code in Default.aspx
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication1._Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label> <br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Click Me" />

I initially ran this code in Visual Studio 2008 and it executed well. Later on i transferred my files along with existing Asp Page? Version configured in IIS for ASp.Net is 2.0.50727 Visual Studio 2008 To clarify further, I would like to know, if I am proceeding in right direction to excute my Aspx pages along with Asp? Secondly, why does my browser keeps on processing if I click the button second or third time ? I am not getting exceptions or errors.. And have no idea of reading logs for the program..

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Feb 9, 2010

Can anyone point me to where i can find a documentation about css, masterpage and derived pages in VS2008. I used them in VS2005 but it looks like it's almost impossible on VS2008. or it's just me.

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Web Forms :: MasterPage Controls Resetting On Postback From ContentPlaceHolder Pages

Nov 18, 2010

Probably a simple fix to this I am not sure. Basically, I have a MasterPage that contains a Dropdownlist. This DDL controls what is displayed in ContentPlaceHolder. However, when postbacks are caused within the Contact Pages the DDL is resetting itself. How can I keep the selected value for the DDL between postbacks?

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Web Forms :: To Add Content Pages To A Website Dynamically (when Site Is Running) On Buttons?

Jul 16, 2010

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Vb.net - Accessing Masterpage Properties From Child Pages

Feb 2, 2010

I have masterpage.master.vb where I have properties, such as;


Can anyone give me an idea how to go about this? I've tried searching but most articles talk in the context of web controls...

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AJAX :: Web Forms Running Inside A Modal Popup Window?

Jan 7, 2010

For the past couple of days, I've been scouring the Internet looking for a good solution, but it seems all of the examples I'm finding have one or more drawbacks. I've looked at various javascript, jQuery, and AJAX Control Toolkit ModalPopup code and I'm not yet satisfied. I have a web form that does postbacks to update the database and I want it to run in a window such that the user cannot return to the page from which it was launched until it has been closed. I would also like to be able to refresh all or parts of the launching page from the popup page when needed before closing it.

If anyone has successfully implemented something like this, I would be very interested in seeing the particulars in how you made it work.

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AJAX :: Masterpage And WebUserControl Page ScripManager In Both Pages?

Jul 22, 2010

I have an MasterPage with

<asp:ScriptManager id="s" runat="server" />
<asp:ScriptManagerProxy ID="ScriptManagerProxy1" runat="server">

Now I want to place an AutoCompleateExtender in an WebUserControl Page

<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxSearchClub" Font-Size="Small" runat="server"> [code]....

But i get an error that the page only can include one ScripManager

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VS 2010 - Linking To Nested ASPX Pages From MasterPage

Sep 4, 2011

In my masterpage, I have a menu that hosts an anchor. That anchor points to a another page and looks like this:

<a href="../resources/techs/masterlist.aspx">BOMs & Service Manuals</a>

I used the designer to input the href location. This page and the "masterlist" page are using the same masterpage.

When I run default.aspx and click that link, it works no problem. But when I click that link from the masterlist page, it throws an exception because it can't find the file. Which makes sense, it's looking for "/resources/resources/techs/masterlist.aspx" because that page is already within that directory. I know how to format that link you point to itself no problem, but I can't figure out how to do it so that I don't have to manually change each page, nulling the purpose of the masterpage.

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Running An MVC 2 RC Web Appilcation With The Majority Of Pages Being Webforms?

Jan 26, 2010

I am running an MVC 2 RC web appilcation with the majority of pages being webforms. (this is an ongoing conversionn to mvc).When people hit our domain at www.mydomain.com, I want the people to get the webform page MyDomainHome.aspx. This is the page specified in IIS as the default document. (I can't convert the home page to controller/view right now because it is very complicated etc.)

I also want the typical "{controller}/{action}/{id}" behavior. Is there a way to mix these together so people who have bookmarked my home page will still get there?

2. Also when I use the "{controller}/{action}/{id}" routing, my pages do not see the css or image folders that are specified in the master page.

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Installation :: Running Aspx Pages To An Existing Php Website?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a client that currently has a comprehensive php website (with a huge amount of functionality built in).

We have been requested to link into our c#/SQL server application and pull information from the SQL database and display this on the existing website.

I would like to do this as aspx pages. However, I do not want to re-create the complete existing website. I would like to add the aspx functionality onto the current website.

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What's Standard Practice To Make Sure One Slow Running Page Doesn't Affect Other Pages

Aug 31, 2010

Page A loads very fast; Page B loads very slowly and does some CPU-intensive things on the web server. I noticed that if someone is loading Page B, then Page A also loads slowly - for ALL users. What is the standard practice for making sure this doesn't happen? If multiple users are loading Page B at the same time then Page A is ridiculously slow. Is there an IIS setting, web.config setting, or hardware configuration I could use to make sure that the fast-loading pages aren't bogged down by other pages that need more time to load?

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Session Is NULL When Running .NET MVC Inside Of .NET

Jul 15, 2010

If I create an ASP.NET Web Application project and then add an ASP.NET MVC 2 to it using the default routes defined like so

"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

The Session object is NULL when I try and access it in the action methods of the controllers. If I change my routes to this.

"Default", // Route name
"{controller}.aspx/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Everything works just fine. For whatever reason having the .aspx extension allows for session to be used, but the later doesn't. I'm using .NET 3.5 for everything.

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AJAX :: How To Set MasterPage Only Render ContentPage And Control Inside UpdatePanel

Mar 27, 2011

I have a DateTime in my MasterPage.aspx that is outside of UpdatePanel1. There are two Hyperlink controls inside UpadatePanel1 to navigate or to move to the other pages. Full code of MasterPage.aspx is below.


If the user clicks Hyperlink to navigate or move to the other page, the DateTime will change. It means that my MasterPage.aspx render the whole page when the user clicks Hyperlink. I do not want this behavior. I want my MasterPage.aspx only render the ContentPage and the
Hyperlink inside UpadtePanel1. Controls outside UpadtePanel1 like DateTime should not be rendered again. Please advise the code to achieve my example goal.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Row Inside Gridview Pages

Mar 18, 2011

gridview (AllowPaging = true)i am trying to select the just added row inside my Gridview with the foloowing codebut i only get the DataKeys of the first page... its actually not working and i cann't find that out.


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JQuery :: Event Click Of Button Don't Fired Inside UpdatePanel / MasterPage

Aug 10, 2010

i have one master page and the ContentPlaceHolder that are inside UpdatePanel. I have too, buttons in master page thad feed the ContentPlaceHolder e update the UpdatePanel. When i click on any master page button, it load one UserControl inside ContentPlaceHolder. But inside one of this UserControls have a Button, that when i click on, it dont fire the click event.

MasterPage code:


Code that load UserControl inside ContentPlaceHolder


Code that contains the button that dont fire:


Obs: I tried sign dynamically the button, but dont works. And when i click on button, the unload method of UserControl begin called.

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Running A GWT Application (including Applets) Inside An IFRAME?

Feb 12, 2010

We are looking at integrating a full-blown GWT (Google Web Toolkit 2.0) application with an existing ASP.NET 3.5 application. My first gut reaction is that this is a horrible frankenstein idea. However, the customer has insisted that we use this application developed by a third-party.

I have almost NO CONTROL over the development of the GWT app.

My first thought is to actually attempt to embed this in an iFrame. Because GWT is running under Tomcat/Jakarta, it is hosted on a different server from the .NET app so the iFrame src will be to a URL on the other machine.

I need to utilize our own ASP.NET authorization scheme to restrict access to the embedded GWT application. The GWT app also uses embedded java applets, which don't seem to be working right now inside the iframe. The GWT app makes calls to a backend server (using GWT-RPC?).

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C# - Running A Server Control Inside An MVC View Page?

Apr 1, 2010

Is this possible? if so, what adjustements do i need to make in order to do this properly. I know i can run webforms and mvc views in seperate files, but i want to run the web server control output and events in/on the mvc view page, however, i keep getting this compiler error:


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