How To Delete Row Using Gridview Or Formview

Sep 12, 2010

i have not declared any primary key of table and I want to delete row using gridview or formview. Is it possible?

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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Button In Formview Not Going Invisible?

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to update my Fromview Delete button to Visible = false, if a record in another related table is inhabited.

But I keep getting errors, or it is still visible even though I know that there is not a record.


So here is what happens, First the Gridview sets the pageIndex of the Formview then

I want it to read from the customer_contacts table and if the SelectedValue (LocationID) is in a table ie if there is a contact assigned to this location, I don't want them to be able to delete the location until they have reassigned the contact to a new locationID, and If there is only 1 location on record, they cannot delete either.

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Forms Data Controls :: Clear FormView After Insert Or Delete?

Oct 18, 2010

How do I clear my formview after a record has been inserted or deleted? At the moment it just sits in the previous state with the same details in the fields, still with the Insert button. Either it would be good to drop the formview altogether (I have a grid view on the same page) or move into the edit mode for the just inserted record.

Also the same with the delete - the formview stays on screen with the deleted record details and the delete button still available - I know it has fired though as my gridview is updated.

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Update, Insert, Delete Options

Mar 14, 2011

I have a page that is using the value from a textbox on a previous page to populate a formview. When I generate the Insert, Update and Delete Statements in Web Developer the edit brings up a blank page and the insert and delete don't work. It works if I just create the formview on a page and hardcode the value in the select statement then the Edit/Delete and Insert works.

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Web Forms :: Select Insert Edit Update Delete Using FormView Control

Sep 20, 2015

my EditItemTemplate is not appear in my page, when i load my page it's does'nt exist but I already change my DefaultMode to Edit

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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Confirmation Box In Gridview With Edit And Delete Buttons?

Nov 18, 2010

How do I reference the delete button to add the delete confirmation box when I have both the Edit and Delete buttons as the last two columns in the Gridview control. The following code works fine without any issues when I have the delete button only:

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.DataRow) return;
int lastCellIndex = e.Row.Cells.Count - 1;
Button db = (Button)e.Row.Cells[lastCellIndex].Controls[0];
db.OnClientClick = "if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?')) return false;";

But, when I have both the Edit and the Delete buttons, I get the following error when I click the edit button while the delete button works fine.

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index

How do I reference the delete button so the edit button is not affected in this case?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Delete Images From Folder Using Gridview Delete Link?

Feb 3, 2010

Using "Enable Delete" from Gridview control, I can delete (besides, update, sort, paging, etc) data from the database (this is done automatically). However, how can I delete the actual image that resides in my image folder (i.e. from "pix" folder )? What is the best way to delete image? If using code behind, how? Please write a full code for me. Here is my source code.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="photoID"

View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Insert Delete Confirmation Dialog To Gridview Delete Button

Apr 6, 2010

I am using Sharepoint Designer and trying to insert a Delete button into a gridview. I added this to the top of my ASPX:

<%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls"
Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>

and I added this as a Gridview column:


and this is the error I get:

An error occurred during the processing of . System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection must have items of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlField'. 'SharePoint:DeleteItemButton' is of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.DeleteItemButton'.

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Web Forms :: GridView Delete Parameter Doesn't Delete Record

Jan 27, 2011

I have a gridview with edit and delete parameters enabled. When I click on the edit link, I can edit the record successfully. However when I click on the delete link, nothing happens (the record does not get deleted).

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AJAX :: How To Confirm Or Delete Work With GridView Delete Button

Dec 14, 2010

I have a Gridview (VS2008 3.5) which has a Edit Button and a Delete button.he Delete button deletes the row without confirming deletion with the user first. ow can I use the Confirm/Delete Confirm from Ajax Toolkitif possible and if not, is there a way to Confirm/Delete with user firstwhen using Gridview?

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Web Forms :: Nested Formview - Link Parent Formview Control In Editmode With Child Formview Control In Insertmode

Apr 8, 2010

i have the following scenario: one formview. when in editmode there is a child formview linked to the other by a column value. i need to take the value of one of the values of parent formview controls and set it to a textbox of child formview in insert mode. I wish to know which event should I use in codebehind to bind both controls? (that escenario will have paging and must keep the binding as if it was master detail)

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Can Delete A Row In GridView While The Primary Key Of That Table Is Not Loaded Into The Gridview

Jan 12, 2011

I have a table with primary key whose importance is technically high and none business wise. So, when I display the table data to user, I would like not to show him the primary key. Even if I load it in sqldatasource and dont show (I did this by removing the cloumn in "Columns" tag of GridView), I am not able to update or delete row using the built-in UpdateCommand & DeleteCommand. I have created the delete paramters but it does nothing when I hit the delete button.How to get around it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Value To Textbox In Nested Formview From Parent Formview Label?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a nested formview. I need to set a value for a textbox when I'm in insert mode from parent formview which is editmode.

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview That Use The Formview Iteminserted Event?

Jan 24, 2010

I have a formview that use the formview iteminserted event. The information inserts into the formview fine, but all cells blank out after the insert. How can I make it so I can show all the values I have inserted show up in the formview after the inteminserted event?

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C# - How To Delete A GridView Row

Dec 10, 2010

I have this code until now:

<asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False" ItemStyle-Width="150px" HeaderStyle-BackColor="#003ca1" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="white">
<asp:LinkButton ID="linkDelete" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Delete" OnClientClick='return confirm("Diesen Eintrag wirklich löschen?");' Text="Löschen" />

At this moment, the GridView deletes the row physically.I want to catch this in CodeBehind, cancel the delete-operation and want only set a "IsDeleted"-Flag in the database.

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Unable To Get The Datakey Value Of A Selected Row In GridView For Use In FormView

Sep 15, 2010

I have a gridview like this :


I have done this before "n" number of times but I am not able to get it working this time. The trouble is that when the call for the Select Method of the formview goes to the relevant function - "GetCustomerByCusnum" I have a null value in its parameter "cusnum".

I know that I can write a selecting event and using CommandArgument, parse the value of the selected row and pass it into the Select method as a value but I dont want that solution. I know it works without the "Selecting" method but I cant recall how.

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Why Using Gridview, Detailsview, Formview, Repeater, Datalist

May 15, 2010

am in commercial development for few months only,the team leader is not using gridview, detailsview, formview, repeater, datalist.we alwyas write our own looping to dislpay the data even it is read only.He said : we do this for better performance.and I am always thinking, so why microsoft create them???I checked other questions and articles, and I am still confused.

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Get The Id From Of Delete Event In The Gridview

Apr 21, 2010

I have a list of properties in a gridview. I have a property ID column. I have a delete column. On clicking delete, after the delete event has been fired e.g. gridview_rowdeleted. I want to get the propertyID of the deleted column in order to set it to the session("propertyID") usage is the use that propertyID in another function to delete associated property Images.

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C# - Add-Update-Delete GridView?

Mar 8, 2011

I want to populate the gridview in web application. in fact I am able to do it but my scenario is I want to develop it based on user authentication. means Let say Admin is logged in then he must authorized to edit all fields of row in gridview. but say if Employee is logged in then, he should only applicable for to edit Name and Address columns in gridview. can i do this ? what I have to take under consideration. in which event i can do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Editing Gridview In A Formview?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a gridview which has editable columns.

The gridview lives in a formview, which lives in another formview.

Inside one column is an end date. This column has a textbox which gets it's value when I choose a date from a calendar control. However, when I choose a date from the calendar control, the program crashes instead of populating the text box.

Here is the page and the selectedIndexChanged sub for the piece of work I'm trying to accomplish...


Gridview2 is inside formview3 inside formview1I have included the whole page below, but the problem area is gridview2[Code]....

The error I get is:


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Forms Data Controls :: FormView And GridView In One Page?

Jan 27, 2010

In my webpage I have a Formview bounded by sqldatasource. I can perfectly Update data from it. In the same page I have a gridview bounded by some other sqldatasource. I have to give user new record option from gridview.

I know that there is no default property to insert new record with the help of gridview until we provide some other way by coding but I don't want to do that.

Therefore I have taken a textbox with the validation field and a button outside the gridview to insert new record into gridview and refresh it.

I don't want to allow user to add empty text using textbox thatswhy I have validated that textbox.


If user has the scenario to update only the Formview then he cannot because there is a validation there with the textbox.

If I remove the validation then user is able to update FormView perfectly but may add empty text from the textbox.

if the user allowed to update FormView and to add data with the help of textbox and gridview get refresh. If user can do only one task also either to update FormView or to add data from textbox to refresh gridview.

The task is most important for me and I have only 12 hours to complete this task or you can say the time limit is going to expire.

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView In Same Page As GridView?

May 23, 2010

I have a gridview with 2 chosen colums, and i want one of them to be a link. When i click the link, a formView with all colums of that record will appear in the same page.

I have menage to do this but then i had the formView in another aspx page. Now i want the formView to be visible in the same page as the gridView.

How can i menage that? Do i need a Panel or something?

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Forms Data Controls :: Validate For GridView And FormView?

May 10, 2010

i am using c# and want to do a validate to edit and do a new fild.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Gridview And Formview In Accounting?

Jul 12, 2010

i am trying to use the gridview and formview in accounting program, how can i make them behave like other programs such as access or oracle in which you add records temporarly and then insert them into a database and other processes ?

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Web Forms :: User Control For Formview- Gridview Combo?

Jan 24, 2011

have a formview tied to a gridview and uses entity datasource. THe formview is used for editing the record selected in the gridview and for inserting records. The code is now in an asp page. I want to create a user control for this. I am new to usercontrols.

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