Prevent The User To Use The "previous Button" On The Navigator To Avoid Data Duplication
Nov 29, 2010
I have a page register.aspx that a user can use to register on my website. Once the registration process is completed, I redirect the user to thankyou.aspx where he will get a code to activate his account.
My problem is this: from the thankyou.aspx page, if the user click the "previous button" on the navigator, he can still have access to the information he had previously submitted and might cause data duplication . I don't want this to happen. I want in that case to redirect him back to thankyou.aspx or another page which will be different than the register.aspx.
My questions are:
1. how can I prevent the user to use the "previous button" on the navigator to avoid data duplication?
2. in case question 1 cannot be done, how can I know in register.aspx that the user comes from thankyou.aspx (which should not normally happen) so that I can redirect him to another page?
My approch was before redirecting to thankyou.aspx, I concatenated session.sessionID and another data to be retrieved on thankyou page. And on thankyou.aspx, I destroy the session after the page was loaded by using Session.Contents.RemoveAll(). And here, nothing happens. The session is still on when using the previous button.
I have used the database data to combo box values. But the problem is i don't now how to avoid the duplicate data. for e.g In a single column name called "department " is used so many time but i wanted it only one time should be displayed the combo box.
I have a login page and a dashboard page. Now user first login and then redirect to dashboard page. User press browser Back navigate button and now it's again on login page.
I've an application in, and when i click on back button IE browser taking back to previous page,i want to prevent the user going back to previous form.if user try to going back to previous page a meesage pop-up should show saying "You cannot go back to previous page, you have to re-login to see the previous page".
I am developing a web application in ASP.NET3.5 with C#. I also using Telerik RadAjax Control. When user click the menu then open the page with a new tab(Like web Browser).I want to create, when user back any previous tab(page) the will be show the previous data without loading 2nd time( like browser tab). Is it Possible ?
I'm using a wizard control with 4 steps, when I use the previous button to navigate back to the previous step the page reloads but at the bottom of the page.Instead of showning the whole of the page, the user views the footer of the site and the previous button and next button.I'm sure there is a very simple answer to this but I just can't figure out how to get the page to reload to the top.
I have datagrid. i loading data to grid from user control like below
when i click the button Show child item. all the child item are displaying except one. for first child item not displaying, but one of parent items is displaying inside child grid.
it seems like previous parents data is loading to one of child record. How can i prevent that?
I have a receipt page for my clients that will display their info and they will get notify by an email message. Here is the problem: when user hit refresh button from a brownser, it will send duplicate email message to the user.
This is what i have:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!IsPostBack) SendEmail() } protected void SendEmail() { //here is my function for email }
on the third step I would like to add a button next to the next/previous buttons that would allow the user to add another room.Is there a way to add a button to the wizard and then handle its onclick event
Introduction:In modified list page I have html controls to filter data in table. By default data in main table is not filtered. This page can view and filter data authenticated && non-authenticated users. For storing membership information I use ASP.NET membership.
Question: My Simple Grid table:
<table> <thead> <tr>[code]...
Also have simple html elements to filter data in upper table after button click. After user click on "City name" page redirrects to Details Page. And in Details page user can click on button Back to List. How to save previous filter options, when user clicked on back to list button. Now in when user clicked on btn "back to List",
table loaded with default data (it is bad).
Aim: How to realize saving previous post for registered and unregistered users, if this tables more in other pages (not one).
Also, how to realize saving optional parameters registered users.
i want to use a ajax calender extender in which when user clixcks on button caleder show only dates of current month not previous dates.i dont want to disable dates. i should not apper on current month calender. means it should start from 1 and end to 30 or 31
I have a pager template in a formview which shows the Prev, Next button and the number of pages. I want to make the Prev or the Next button disable when there are no more pages to go. Like, if it is the first page, then the Prev button will be disabled.
using System; // We need these namespaces imported to work easier with database using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; // Here is PagedDataSource class located using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
[Code] .....
Record loaded into control but when i press next button then next 10 record showing properly but when i want to see another next record then it shows same record.
e.g. i have 40 records in my db then first time it shows 1 to 10 record
when i press next button then it shows 11 - 20 records
again i press next button then it shows 11-20 records instead of 21-30 records...
Call JavaScript function on GridView Row click using jQuery in ASP.Net works great!, but if I want to have a first column with an image button so the user can click only there to select a row it always produce a postback when using a button field, how can I avoid that postback while having an image button for the selection click in the gridview?
I am using linkbutton in my gridview to avoid the use of querystrings. The gridview is filled from a dataset.
I almost have it working but the text the linkbutton is displaying does not vary as a function of what row it is in. I need a way to associate the text of the linkbutton with the row it is in.
I have done some modification and customization with List.aspx under Dynamic Data.
I must have messed up some controls or events somewhere.
Everything works well except that GridViewPager buttons (|<, <, >, >|) does not bring me to the next or previous page. It stays at the same page.
But if I manually type in the page number into the page number field and press enter, it works brilliantly. The gridview refresh to the correct pageindex.
In My Web Application i have one master page and Sign out button in menu. When i click log out button logout.aspx will load. i wrote the following code in that page form_load
What is the best way to implement an edit page to allow only one user to modify data at a time. For example, if User A is on the edit page, no other user will be enter the page in edit mode until UserA is done editing.