ADO.NET :: Checking For Valid Related Table Data In EF?
Nov 7, 2010
I've always been a bit unsure how to check for the existance of properly referenced table data.
In my situation I have various tables related to each other in many-to-one relationships where the "1" side can be deleted without the reference fields on the "many" side being updated (nulled).
I have FK relationships set up in my MS SQL server database but have turned off the FK constraint enforcement (and cascading update/delete) so that I can delete records from the "1" side but leave the keys for those deleted records in the records on the "many" side. This is something I really need to do for my web app design.
I'm populating a DataList using the IDataReader object and it works fine it the reader contains data. If the data is not present it displays nothing. I want to capture that situation and insert a verbiage such as "No data" or something like that. I've tried to test the datareader for various conditions such as Null, String.Empty, or plain " " but nothing worked. Is there a way to make this happen? Below is my code sample for your review.EJM.Note: It has to be done programatically as I'm building this for a web part.
I have a sign up page in my website where the user needs to enter his email id.Now i want to check whether the email id entered by the user actually exists or not...
I've added some validation to a text box which works, only the code behind on the image button executes even if the validation shows a problem. I need some way of testing the validation and blocking the code behind from running. He's my code:
I am using an ADO Entity Model for my ms-sql database.
My database has a Resellers table which has ResellerID (primary key, int) and Name columns along with other data.
I also have an Orders table which contains OrderID (primary key, int), OrderDate, ResellerID (foreign key to Resellers.ReselerID).
If I just do a query like:
I am able to reference order.Reseller.Name just fine with no problems.
However I have an EntityDataSource on my page as follows:
Notice the Include="Reseller" attribute in the datasource... I also have a GridView tied to that datasource as follows: I cut some of it off for breavity:
Now what I have listed above will run with no errors, but what I want to do is replace the column that displays "ResellerID" with the equivilant to order.Reseller.Name. In other words I want my grid to display the reseller's name rather than the numeric ID.
I have tried to change the DataField to "Reseller.Name" but that will generate the following error:
A field or property with the name 'Reseller.Name' was not found on the selected data source.
Is there anyway to do this without me writing a custom select statement in my code behind?
I've got a gridview that is databound with LINQ in the code behind. One column shows the id from the table. I would like to show a more human friendly product name that is associated with that id number but is from another table. Thought I had it figured out by entering a Template field in the gridview tags (in the .aspx page) and an item template within that with
My dataset table data is from multiple tables (showing on a gridview),How to update the database tables using batch udpate on clicking submit, if the data is from a signle table, no problem, but I am not sure how to handle if the datais from mulitiple tables? If I have related tables, do I need put them in differet tables in the dataset?
Title is a lookup table of titles (Mr, Miss,...) and its got a relationship with table User by TitleId.
Now I'm trying to display the data in a web page using .net and Entity Framework. I'm using a ListView control and a query as a source. it all displays fine except for the Title.
Here is my code:
MyEntities _entities = new MyEntities (); User user = new User(_entities); IQueryable u = (from x in _entities.Users where x.Active == true select x); ListView1.DataSource = u; ListView1.DataBind();
i have a GridView bound to a DataView. Some columns in the DataView's table are foreignkeys to related tables(f.e. Customer). I want to enable sorting for these columns too, but all i can do is sorting the foreignkey(fiCustomer) and not the CustomerName.
I have tried this without success(" Cannot find column ERP_Customer.CustomerName "):
A tried also the DataViewManager, but i've a problem to detect the table to sort:
I have to apply the sort on a distinct table of the DataViewManager, but this table would differ on the related tables.
I have bound the TemplateColumns in Codebehind in RowDataBound-Event f.e.:
Dim LblCustomer As Label = DirectCast(e.Row.FindControl("LblCustomer"), Label) LblCustomer.Text = drCharge.ERP_CustomerRow.CustomerName 'drCharge inherits DataRow
What is the recommended way to sort a GridView on columns related to other tables? I could build a custom datatable with the customername instead of the foreignkey and bind this column to the TemplateField. But then my huge dataset in the model makes no sense anymore.
EDIT: I have a model with a Dataset. I'm binding one Datatable(ERP_Charge) from it to my GridView(actually i take a Dataview from that Table). In this Datatable are columns that are related to other Datatables in the Dataset(relations are defined). When i want to make the grid sortable its no problem on the columns that belong to ERP_Charge.
But the columns with foreign keys to other table could not be sorted because the Gridview shows f.e. not the CustomerID but the Customername. I get the Customername in RowDataBound. Normally i would join the tables and add a Datacolumn for the Customername.
What would be the best way to set a gridView.DataSource for LINQ query with some foreign keys and get fields in the parent tables? Like this:
The table BOOK have a Author_Id, which is related to table Author
public IQueryable<Book> ListAll() { RENDBDataContext db = new RENDBDataContext(); var result = from b in db.Books orderby b.Id descending select b; } code-behind: grdBooks.DataSource = vBooks.ListAll(); grdBooks.DataBind();
In the ASPX page I can get to the Author name with the [asp:TemplateField], using <%Eval("Author.Name")%>
What I'm looking for is a better solution, that doesn't involve changes in the aspx page
I've created a membership system based on 2. There are other tables that store user information, such as emails sent etc. I've created a users table based on the TableProfileProvider. My question is concerning deleting the member
Is it OK to delete the member from the aspnet_membership table and roles related tables using Membership.DeleteUser, though keep all the custom tables and the information including the information in the Users table created by the TableProfileProvider? or can you foresee problems?
I have a stored procedure which must be provided with a requested FROM date and TO date. If a given FROM date and TO date is in between any record set available in the table, it must return an error. For example, According to above table, there is a request FROM 01/01/2010 TO 10/01/2010, and If the user enters 06/01/2010 as FROM date [Requested FROM date is already in between the Record ID 01 - FROM date and TO Date] , thus, it must display an error, or print a message.
I have- empId - PK, CurrentUserId in one table,mpId- FK in other i want to get empId of related currentUserId ,and want to add empId in other table having FK,using Repository,what will be in create method?
I am using Table Adapter to insert records into my database. I first insert my member record into the database and it has no errors, after that i insert the contact records into the table. however I got the following error: You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'Member'.
I have a table articles where i keep all the records of the articles wriiten by people online. Now i need to retrieve related articles based on the title i guess. I tried doing that using my stored procedures with the LIKE operator, but i guess that doesn't work because it does not take the whole string of the title and match with the ones in the database.
I have created a buttonfield in code behind and assign data to it. Does anyone know how to adjust the style of the data in the buttonfield specfically related to size?
My requirement is to call WCF web service from ASP.NET code behind and pass some data for example:void Add(int x, int y);Result of the operation should be somehow stored within WCF web service (member variable). Later user should be able to call double Equals();and get the result of the operation. Of course since it's an open website many non-authenticated users can open the ASP.NET page and call the web service. Alternatively Add method can return "key" that can be used to get result back,
I am using entity framework. My model has entity tblGameInfo where in navigation properties are associations called tblPlayer1 and tblPlayer2 which links to entity tblPlayer. I have listview on my page where I want to show game info with players names. I have found that in of listview I should have e.g. one of those:
But it does not work. I got nothing displayed in a listview. I have tried many different options but cannot find working one. Probably is some simple mistake but I am new to and cannot find it. Second problem with this is editing. In edit template there is dropdownlist with all players.
How do I databind it? It is not allowed to bind and change properties? It writes me that element does not exist on a list of elements.
I am wondering if there is anyway to grab the html that is generated from an ASP page.I am trying to pull a table from the page,and I foolishly used a static html page so I would not have to be constantly querying the server where this page resides while I tested out my code.The javascript code I wrote to grab to unlabeled table from the page works.Then when I put it into practice with the real page and found that the ASP page does not generate a viewable page with a jquery .get request on the URL.
Is there any way to query the page for the table I need so that the ASP page returns a valid page on request?(I am also limited to using javascript and perl for this,the server where this will reside will not run php and I have no desire to learn ASP.NET to solve this by adding to the issue of proprietary software)