That's in my web.config.I'm still getting this though and it's not loading my error .htm page:Server Error in '/' Application.Runtime Error,Description: An application error occurred on the server.The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons).It could, however,be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.
tried to do a search on this, but it kept timing out on me, so sorry if this has been answered before.In IIS7, I've setup a custom 404 error page, which works if you go to a document, but not if you go to a directory...
When I reference a page that does not exist (for example, I still get the standard white 404 error page "The resource cannot be found." rather than getting redirected to error404.aspx page that I specified. On unhandled exception, the page does get redirected correctly to error.aspx, just not when it is 404 error. For some reason IIS always pre-empts ASP.NET worker process from processing the 404 errors
I have a problem with my site, and I'm using .net 4, web form routing
I have this route ,routes.MapPageRoute("JobPreview", "jobs/{jobId}/{pg}/{Position}", "~/default.aspx")
so, this page is working fine
If we remove the last segment of this url, it should be redirected to the custom 404 not found page, but in the deployment server it redirects to the default IIS error page for 404 errors, on my local machine it's ok, and shows my custom error page.
If we remove the last three segments of the url it works fine on the deployment server.
I am referring to errors generated by my For example I created a sample page and wrote 'throw new Exception("some error")' as a test. How can I retrieve an instance of the exception or exception details in my "/error/error.aspx" page? Currently in my error page if I query Server.GetLastError() the return value is null.
I am showing Custom Error in my page.if somehting happend wrong. but if the same error occured in my subview master page I am not able to show the Custom error page on Entire page its showing me that Error page under subview master page.I am attching the Screen shot.Can any body help me out how to show the Error page on entire page if something happend in any where submaster or other page.Here is the code that I am using in web config file to show custom Error page..
Here I know the issue what's going on.This issue is occurring because i am using AJAX to partially load the contents of the tabs after the initial page load so the error is occurring AFTER my master page has been loaded.What I need to do is provide a javascript function to handle the error after the ajax call has returned and redirect to the error page.How to write this Javascript and where Do I need to write this?
Can anyone send me proper configuration settings in web.config for ASP.NET 4.0. I am unable to redirect pages to desired url on page not found. It seems there are changes in properties as compared to previous framework.
Here's my Application_OnError event sink in global.asax.vb:
Sub Application_OnError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim innerMostException As Exception = getInnerMostException(Me.Context.Error) If TypeOf innerMostException Is AccessDeniedException Then Security.LogAccessDeniedOccurrence(DirectCast(innerMostException, AccessDeniedException)) Dim fourOhThree As Integer = DirectCast(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, Integer) Throw New HttpException(fourOhThree, innerMostException.Message, innerMostException) End If End Sub
You'll see that if we've got an innermost Exception of type AccessDeniedException we throw a new HTTPExcpetion with a status code of 403 AKA 'forbidden'
So what we're expecting is a redirect to the AccessDenied.aspx page. What we get is a redirect to the ServerError.aspx page.
We've also tried this:
Sub Application_OnError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim innerMostException As Exception = getInnerMostException(Me.Context.Error) If TypeOf innerMostException Is AccessDeniedException Then Security.LogAccessDeniedOccurrence(DirectCast(innerMostException, AccessDeniedException)) Context.Response.StatusCode = DirectCast(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, Integer) End If End Sub
I'm still trying to learn how all of this works, and I apologize if this is a simple fix, but I'm getting frustrated and I could use some help.
I found an XML profile provider that I'm trying to use, and when I set it up, it works fine on my local machine. However when I upload it to the server, I get an error and I don't really know what it means:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
I'm having a wicked time trying to redirect the different error scenarios to a custom error page. Basically, I have put some code in Application_Error in global.asax, and done the necessary web.config settings to use Custom Errors.
In global.asax on Application_Error, I stored the Server.GetLastError in Session. The reason I have to store it in Session is because (as far as I know) you lose the exception when using "ResponseRedirect". And the reason I have to use ResponseRedirect is because I am using an UpdatePanel with AJAX calls, and any exception during the AJAX call shows up as a JavaScript error, and doesn't get handled using the custom error page (see this post).
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e){ ////must perform this check to avoid the "Session state is not available in this context" errors if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null) { Session["LastException"] = Server.GetLastError(); } else { // (I think this happens when there are compile-time errors) Server.Transfer("~/Oops.aspx"); }}void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e){ //must perform this check to avoid the "Session state is not available in this context" errors if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null) { //initialize the session ( Session["LastException"] = ""; }}
Hpresently i am sending email directly giving my account in the code file.It is working . But, when i am using textbox in web page as To and FROM ,SUBJECT. It is not working as well as not showing an error .
My code
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MailMessage m = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient(); try { m.From = new MailAddress("from"); m.To .Add (new MailAddress ("to)); m.CC .Add (new MailAddress ("somebody")); m.Subject = "subject"; m.IsBodyHtml = true; m.Body = " This is a test mail "; sc.Host = ""; sc.Port = 587; sc.Credentials =new System .Net .NetworkCredential (""); sc.EnableSsl = true; sc.Send(m); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
I am trying to handle the unhandled exceptions in my project.I tried with this following code in my web.config filebut it is not at all redirecting to an error page which i have created instead of that it is throwing an exception in my code itselef. How to print the error description over therein my custom error page.
I set my web.config with a custom error for 404 and 403 response but when I try to navigate my page (not exist page). It displays the default IIS6 404 page instead of my custom page...
I need to send a Customized Error page for 503 Errors produced by my website. I have tried to simulate the condition by switching off the application pool (doesn't work) and by flooding my application with requests. Even though IIS sends me the default 503 error page, and even though I have tried setting a Custom URL in IIS and ASP.NET for this error code, it still returns me the default 503 error page.
I would like to limit the number of connections to one of my website.What I want to do specifically is show the visitors a simple custom page warning them that the site is too busy and they should come back later.I know if I limit the nbr of connections in IIS it'll work but It doesn't show an elegant page.
I am using a custom error page in IIS 6:<customErrors redirectMode="ResponseRedirect" mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error2.aspx"/>I want to disable authentication for the custom error page because the error being raised is related to an authentication module and I don't want to get into an infinite loop and I want to display a clean error page to the user. I have been trying the following configuration to do that.
I am showing Custom Error in my page.. if somehting happend wrong. but if the same error occured in my subview master page I am not able to show the Custom error page on Entire page its showing me that Error page under subview master page. Please I am attaching the Screen shot. how to show the Error page on entire page if something happend in any where submaster or other page.. Here is the code that I am using in web config file to show custom Error page..
master page I have all the js files and Css files links and I have submaster page for mainmaster page.. sub master page have three tabs each tab has grid control.if something went wrong I can able to show the Custom Error page but its showing me in submaster page.. not in main master page.....but if something hapend any where I need to show CustoM Error page in main master page..
In the OnLoad(EventArgs e) event -- I'm trying to do this, but it appears to be too late.this.txtReferrer.Text = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();Is it possible to capture the referrer url?
I've a got an Asp.Net site that is using Forms authentication, I've also got custom errors configured in the web.config. One of these is a special error page for 403's (access denied). My question is how do I get Forms authentication to work smarter?
I would like Forms authentication to send users to login page only if they are not authenticated. If they are I want it to defer to the custom error pages that i've defined in the web.config. This seems like something very basic, how can this be achieved?
Basically I want to take the following:And make it match the styling of the rest of the application.I am creating a custom error page in my C# based project and I want it to be able to show the same information that is displayed in the ASP.NET default error page. From fiddling with reflector I can see that this is generated through HttpException.GetHtmlErrorMessage() but when I try to use this in my exception it returns null.