Forms Data Controls :: What Is The Name Of The DataTable In The Following Syntax

Oct 19, 2010

What is the name of the DataTable in the following syntax:


DataTable named

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If I am passed a datatable and I cant change the column there anyway to set an existing column to a Primary key so I can easily Find() the row I am looking for?

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ADO.NET :: Find Duplicate Rows In DataTable Using LINQ Via VB.Net Syntax?

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I have made a custom DataTable

Dim dt As New DataTable("RizPardakht")
Dim RowID As New DataColumn("tbz_GatiPardakhtID")
Dim FishNo As New DataColumn("tbz_FishNo")


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Data Controls :: Copying Specific Records From One Datatable To Another Datatable

Aug 22, 2012

im trying to copying specific record from one datatable to another datatable i used below code

public System.Data.DataTable selectspecificdatarow(System.Data.DataTable dtg, int count, int startindex)
System.Data.DataTable dtn = dtg.Clone();
for (int i =startindex; i < count; i++)


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Error "DataTable Is An Ambiguous Reference Between System.Data.DataTable And Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.DataTable"

Jan 20, 2011

'DataTable' is an ambiguous reference between 'System.Data.DataTable' and 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.DataTable'

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Forms Data Controls :: Syntax For Passing ListView Data To SQL Input Parameters?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a ListView displaying data from Table A using a SqlDataSource.

I want to take the displayed data (and these are just the standard columns representing fields in Table A) and store them in Table B using a Stored Procedure

(The scenario is much more complex but I've left out anything not relating to this exact problem).

I've added a Button to the ListViews ItemTemplate and I'm using OnItemCommand to create a Sub for its "Click" in the Code Behind.

This is a simplified chunk of the SQL I'm using to insert the ListView's fields into Table B using the Stored Procedure "InsertCart":


Where I've highlighted "Description" in the last line. In a GridView, this would be enough. Description is a Column name in Table A and B and iy's an Item in the ListView. But I'm realising that, with ListView's, the data binding is not as "automatic" as a GridView. Just using the columnname is not enough.

What do I use instead of the word Description to reference this column in the Parameter?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Operation Syntax?

May 4, 2010

Request to updated me with the syntax for update gridview rows in 2005.

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Forms Data Controls :: Syntax For Injecting ID Into ImageUrl?

Dec 9, 2010

I have an Image control in a ListView's ItemTemplate.

I want the ImageUrl property to say:


in place of the bold text above.

I cannot, however, get the syntax right. I keep getting "syntax is not well formed" errors.

correct syntax for this, or, if I'm barking up the wrong tree altogether, the correct method.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using 'MyDataGrid' In The Correct Syntax To Insert Data?

Nov 7, 2010

Are we using 'MyDataGrid' in the correct syntax to insert data

Code behind reads:


The front code [URL] for the Gridview reads:


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Forms Data Controls :: Syntax Error - Is Primary Field Is A Bit Data Type In The Database

Jan 3, 2011

I am gettinga syntex error. Is Primary field is a bit data type in the database.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="IsPrimary">
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="chkIsPrimary" Checked='<%# Eval("IsPrimary").ToString() == "1"? true : false %>' />

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Code Syntax Help Vs Gridview

Oct 18, 2010

Any one know how to resolve the below list code? Is there a listview row property or equivalent to gridview?


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Forms Data Controls :: Listview And Checkbox Syntax Not Correct?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a listview (userid, users) and a checkbox. I would like to select the checkbox and store the userid in a textbox then into a session page. I am having issues with the code as it seems incorrect, due to the listview1.row.


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Retrieve New Inputs And Syntax Error

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to update the database with the edited data. However, it did not manage to read the edited data from the textbox. It returned the retrieve data that I have done in the Page_Load instead. Is there any part of the code that I have written wrongly? I did manage not to use <EditItemTemplate> in my past project and manage to update the database with the same logic.

<!-- This DataList is created to view Personal Information -->
<asp:DataList ID="personal_dl" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate>
<table> <tr> <td style="width: 100px; text-align: left;">
<asp:Label ID="first_lbl" runat="server" ForeColor="Black" Font-Size="11px" Text="First:"></asp:Label></td> <td style="width: 350px">
<asp:TextBox ID="first_tb" runat="server" Width="341px" Font-Size="11px" Text='<%# Eval("FIRST") %>'> </asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td style="width: 100px; text-align: left">
<asp:Label ID="name_lbl" runat="server" Font-Size="11px" ForeColor="Black" Text="Name:"></asp:Label> </td> <td style="width: 350px">
<asp:TextBox ID="name_tb" runat="server" Width="341px" Font-Size="11px" Text='<%# Eval("NAME") %>'> </asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 100px; text-align: left;">
<asp:Label ID="id_lbl" runat="server" ForeColor="Black" Font-Size="11px" Text="ID:">
</asp:Label> </td> <td style="width: 350px">
<asp:TextBox ID="id_tb" runat="server" Width="341px" Font-Size="11px" Text='<%# Eval("ID") %>'> </asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 100px; text-align: left;">
<asp:Label ID="contact_lbl" runat="server" ForeColor="Black" Font-Size="11px" Text="Contact No.:"> </asp:Label> </td> <td style="width: 350px">
<asp:TextBox ID="contact_tb" runat="server" Width="341px" Font-Size="11px" Text='<%# Eval("TELEPHONE_HP") %>'> </asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 100px; text-align: left;"> <asp:Label ID="add_lbl" runat="server" ForeColor="Black" Font-Size="11px" Text="Address:"> </asp:Label> </td> <td style="width: 350px">
<asp:TextBox ID="add_tb" runat="server" Width="341px" Font-Size="11px" Text='<%# Eval("ADDRESS") %>'> </asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> </table> </ItemTemplate> </asp:DataList>
<br /> <div style="text-align: center; color: Red; width: 460px;">
<asp:Label ID="errorMsg_lbl" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="edit_btn" runat="server" Text="Update" />
<asp:Button ID="createBtn" runat="server" Text="Insert" /></div>
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'display information in datalist
Dim login As String = Session("login")
Dim id As String = Session("id")
bindDataList(personal_dl, getPersonalContent(login, id))
'display necessary DataList
personal_dl.Visible = True
'declare fields
Dim i As Integer
Dim first_tb, name_tb, id_tb, contact_tb, add_tb As New TextBox
For i = 0 To personal_dl.Items.Count - 1
first_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("first_tb")
name_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("name_tb")
id_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("id_tb")
contact_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("contact_tb")
add_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("add_tb")
'set fields as ReadOnly - cannot edit
first_tb.ReadOnly = False name_tb.ReadOnly = False id_tb.ReadOnly = False
contact_tb.ReadOnly = False add_tb.ReadOnly = False Next
End Sub

Protected Sub edit_btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles edit_btn.Click 'declare fields
Dim i As Integer Dim first_tb, name_tb, id_tb, contact_tb, add_tb As New TextBox
Dim id As String = Session("id")
For i = 0 To personal_dl.Items.Count - 1
first_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("first_tb")
name_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("name_tb")
id_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("id_tb")
contact_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("contact_tb")
add_tb = personal_dl.Items(i).FindControl("add_tb")
Next Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection = dbConnection()
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim sqlStatement As String
Dim condition As String
condition = "UPDATE staff " + _
"WHERE (ID= @id)" sqlStatement = condition cmd.CommandText = sqlStatement
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FIRST", first_tb)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", name_tb)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id_tb)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TELEPHONE_NO", contact_tb)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ADDRESS", add_tb)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id)
cmd.Connection = myConnection
Try myConnection.Open()
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception
Finally If myConnection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
End Try
'display information in datalist
Dim login As String = Session("login")
bindDataList(personal_dl, getPersonalContent(login, id))
End Sub

View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: ImageURL Syntax Inside DataList - How To Show Images

Apr 26, 2010

Having problems with the syntax of my ImageURL inside DataList ItemTemplate want to show images that I have stored in a database.

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='showimg.aspx?ImageID=<%# Eval("id") %>'/>

Makes the img syntax look like this.

<img id="DataList1_ctl00_Image1"
src="showimg.aspx?ImageID=<%# Eval("id") %>"
style="border-width:0px;" />

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Open A File On A Server Syntax With Response.AppendHeader?

Nov 11, 2010

Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=row.Cells[2].Text;

When the OPEN/SAVE file box is displayed the file name is listed as row.Cells[2].Text.

I want it to be listed with the value in that cell of my gridview which is log.doc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add 01 In To Datatable?

Apr 19, 2010

i am new to

I tried to add value 01 from text box to datarow and add to datatable. result shows to gridview.

however, only value -'1' shows on grid view not 01. how to fix it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting The Index Value Of A Row In A Datatable?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to set up two hyperlinks on a page (Previous and next) to navigate through datatable rows, but I dont want the link to show if it the first and last row - I know I can hid the hyperlink and such but I just need to know (in VB.Net) how you would get the row id of the page you were on so that you can go backwards and forwards.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Multiple Row Into DataTable?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm want to add multiple DataRow into a dataTable Based on the number of selected GridViewRow ?



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Store Datatable

Nov 12, 2010

i need an example of DATATABLE.. with gridview

like i have fields name..

product_name(using dropdown and filled by database)

product_price (using label price comes on dropdown item name selection from database)

Product_quantity(using textbox and user make input)

product_amount(using label display calculated amount by quabtity and price)

and i want to store in datatable... row by row

and after sometime press on submit button i want to store in database ..

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Control To A Datatable?

Apr 8, 2010

I am using ASP.NET and Sharepoint and I'm getting a list of documents and displaying them in an SPGridView (sharepoint grid view)

How I seem to be only able to add data as a string to my DataTable.

See the line :

row["Title"] =
"<a href="" + itemUrl +
"">" + item["Title"] +

Is there anyway I can add a control here (say for example a HyperLink)

DataTable myDataProvider = GetDatatable();
view = new
//grid is of type SPGridView (sharepoint grid view)


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Forms Data Controls :: Send Grid View Data Back To A Datatable

Jan 28, 2010

i have a problem that is, I am calling data form database in agrid view and taht gridview contain both bounded and unbouded field now i wat to send this grid view data back to a datatable is it possible if yes then how?

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Data Column Value Format From Mm/dd/yyyy To Dd/mm/yy In Datatable

Mar 14, 2011

I have on datatable in it there are columns like TimeStamp,value....Timestamp formate is mm/dd/yyyy

i want to convert all Timestamp value in dd/MM/yyyy format...i cant do it on database site not using orcale,sql.

Is it possible without loop?

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Forms Data Controls :: Use Dataset And Datatable To Bind Data To A Gridview?

Aug 27, 2010

on which all conditions we use dataset and datatable to bind data to a gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Data From GridView To DataTable And Back Again

Feb 26, 2010

I need to pass the data from GridView1 to a DataTable, and then pass the DataTable to GridView2 and preview it. I have BoundFields and ImageFields in the GridViews. I think I am doing something wrong but I can't figure out how to do it. I know I have to iterate through the GridView.Rows, but I don't know how to pass it to the DataTable.

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