I thought I had this working, but right now I'm confused. When I try to cause an error by re-using an email, it gives me the success message, even though nothing is added.
URL.... Still there will be need of url in ajax method if i put javascript in site.master.cs . As what i have understood from that mysite.master.cs will be like this :
I like to create users without the userwizard.Normally i do this with the userwizard, but i don't have it right now, want to do it with pure code.But how can i add the password to the user?Normally i use this code:
ProfileCommon p = (ProfileCommon)ProfileCommon.Create(CreateUserWizard.UserName, true); p.Email = ((TextBox)CreateUserWizard.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Email")).Text; p.Save();
What is the best, i want just the easy way, like if i add a user with the Asp.Net web administration tool.
i am using create user wizard and capturing other information within content template when a new userregisters. Some of the textboxes are binded to required field validators.there is a validation control on the page and ShowMessage box is True.If they dont complete some of the text boxes then the message box pops Up with the error message.It does not however include information errors like "User already exists" or Email address already existsfrom the create user wizard membership UserName and Password Textboxesis it possilbe to hook all of these up so I get one message box with all errors including membership ones?
CreateUserWizard is creating dupicate user while assigning Role.How can we assign Role without duplicating user record? I've observed ApplicationID for assigning Role is Differenent than Creating New User, so when ever Role assigning comes in, it creates same user again with new UserID. Is it related to Web.Config in some way? As when I try to create user from "VisualStudio/Website/ASP.net Configuration"
After a user has finished registration, i want to show an info message and redirect the user to the site's main page after 5 seconds. I can do a delayed redirect easily:
How can i call this method only when the user was succesfully created?
I wanted to maintain the great features of ASP security control but i couldn't find a way to fit my purposes. I wanted to add in multiple user in one shot instead of one by one, So far using CreateUserWizard control only allow admin to add user once at a time. Is there a way to add in multiple user with a uploaded name list ?
i have following issue: I am creating a new user register form manually without CreateUserWizard control, and all works perfectly unitil I intentionaly (for test purposes) enter existing username (for example BLABLABLA) into username.textbox. After that i get my error message as expected that says "username BLABLABLA allready exist", now when I tray (as a future user who could be in the same situation) to correct the username and enter another one (for example TRATRATRA), it still gives me this error "username BLABLABLA allready exist!" This is the second day that I'm traying to solve this!
Is it possible to setup the CreateUserWizard to check for a duplicate entry in the aspnet_profile table (for a custom field) before the new user is created? For example, if I added a phone number field and wanted to make sure nobody else could create an account using that same phone number if a user already has an account with that phone number in the aspnet_Profile table's PropertyValuesString row?
I'm using SqlMembershipProvider and SqlRoleProvider for user management.
Users are created by
Dim MCS As System.Web.Security.MembershipCreateStatus Dim NewUser As MembershipUser = Membership.CreateUser(TB_UserName.Text, TB_Pw.Text, TB_Email.Text, TB_SecQuestion.Text, TB_SecAnswer.Text, False, MCS) later, after email confirmation, I take the user into a specified role Dim myUser As System.Web.Security.MembershipUser = Nothing myUser = Membership.GetUser(New Guid(Request("RegID")))Catch If myUser IsNot Nothing Then myUser.Comment += " approved " Membership.UpdateUser(myUser) Roles.AddUserToRole(myUser.UserName, "role") End if
After this I have two entries with the same UserName in aspnet_Users table, but with different UserId's. One UserId is referenced in aspnet_Membership table and the other in the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
We are buling a hosted ecommerce shopping cart solution and I would like to use asp.net's built-in membership provider. We dont really want to have a seperate database for each domain, we want to share the same database across mupltiple domains for different customers. Each domain is a seperate store.
My problem is that since it's a shared hosted solution people coming from different domains might use the same user name and it would show as if already existed. Is there an addional field I can use to store the domain name so basicly would be unique by username and domain name. We don't want to share information between stores.
I noticed this server control is unique in that even though you can convert it to template, you still cannot access the Create User button, unlike most composite user controls, where every child control is accessible after you convert the server controls to templates.
I am using a CreateUserWizard. By default, the validation error messages are shown in the bottom of the control. Can I change this positioning to be shown above the control so that it is consistent with my other pages? When a user fails to enter a required fied, it displays a asterisk * next to the field. Can I have it also display some text saying that the field is required?
First time using the ASP.NET CreateUserWizard control and we are aliasing the Username Textbox as the Email Address because the clients wants the username to be an email address. Then hiding that controls EmailAddress. This part is working fine. The problem I'm having is the error message that gets displayed on the UI says "enter a different user name." if you type in a existing email address. We need to change this to "enter a different email address". I added a event handler for the OnCreateUserError. Added the code below, and debugging the events gets hit and sets the Literal.Text of the error message to display. Still gets overwritten on a later event. Does anyone know what I'm missing to get this error message to the UI.
protected void userWizard_CreateUserError(object sender, CreateUserErrorEventArgs e) { // check for dupe username error if (e.CreateUserError == MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName) { // If so change to dupe email error and set the literal e.CreateUserError = MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail; Literal errorMessage = (Literal)userWizard.WizardSteps[0].Controls[0].Controls[0].Controls[0].Controls[0].FindControl("ErrorMessage"); errorMessage.Text = "Email address already exists. enter a different email address."; } }
I need to configured my web application to display a warning message to the user 5 minutes before the authentication session expires. I found a javascript code that acts as a counter, however I still could not figured out how to make the page to refresh when the user clicks the Ok.
this is the javascript code...
<script type="text/javascript"> var leftime =5; var interval; interval = setInterval( 'change()' , 600000); function change() { lefttime --; if(lefttime<=2) alert("the session will be off, left time is "+lefttime+ " second!") } </script>
I think the title pretty much says what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make several applications with C#, ASP.NET, and active directory. Right now, I'm trying to create a report for my manager that shows all the active directory attributes of the current user. Could someone show me the code for this. I would want to add a new row into a datagridview for each attribute.
I have searched and Googled for the answer to this question to no avail. I'm using EF4 and ASP.NET MVC2 and I have an EF4 entity "Award" with a non-nullable string field, "RecipientID". I'm using DataAnnotations for server-side validation, so in my "Award" partial class I've set up the RecipientID to have the Required attribute. When I try to submit the form with the RecipientID text box empty, I see my error message "Please enter a recipient" in the Html.ValidationSummary twice.
Would this be because the error is being thrown both by the entity (in that it is a non-nullable field with a null value), as well as the application? Whatever the reason, is there a way to "fix" this and have the error message show up only once? (Fix being in quotations because I'm not sure if this is intended behavior or not.) I didn't think it would be necessary to include relevant code, but I will if it's needed.
when i populate data from datatable or dataset into gridview ,the gridview has boundfield then the gridview is displaying the same table repeated twice and displayed in one table.
but when i do not use any boundfield it is displaying correctly how to solve this issue .
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from dumb", conn); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); adp.Fill(dt); GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
I am building a report using the Matrix for the first time. It's showing duplicate days across the columns and I can't figure how to filter so that a unique day appears.
I have 2 row groups, quality_code and product_name, and 1 column group repair_dt. In the Date column I showing count of serial_id - associated with product_name this is what I am getting
I'm working with a code that first upload a file to the server and after sends a email and attached is the file previously uploaded, It's working everything the only problem is that email message is duplicate.
I need to display a javascript confirm box after the user successfully logs into the application. If the select 'yes' of the confirm box then I need to navigate them to a different page and if they select 'no' the default.aspx page should be displayed. I am using the login control.
I tried to use ClientScript. RegisterClientScriptBlock on Login1_Authenticate event, it didn't work. I tried the same thing on the Page_Load event of Default.aspx as well as Master Page load event, that also didnt work.