Writing SQL In Code Behind To Gridview On A Different Page

Nov 4, 2013

I am using Visual Web Developer Express with VB.net and have a website with 2 pages in them called "Tables.aspx" and "Variables.aspx". On the Tables page the user is required to enter a variable name in to a texbox, which I want then to take the user to the Variables page and have the gridview display the sql result. In behind the search button on the "Tables.aspx" page I have the following code.

' Search button code
Dim search As Char
Search = CChar(txtSearch.Text)
If Search = "" Then
MsgBox("You cannot leave this field blank.")


On the "Variables.aspx" page I had decided to use data readers which brought up only one of the columns however I realised using data readers would mean I would have to individually position each textbox which I am not sure how to do.

Basically what I would like to know is how I do get the result of sql= "SELECT dbo.NILS_tables.Table_ID, dbo.NILS_variables.Variable_Name, dbo.NILS_ variables.Variable_Description FROM dbo.NILS_variables JOIN dbo.NILS_tables ON dbo.NILS_tables.Table_ID = dbo.NILS_variables.Table_ID WHERE dbo.NILS_tables.Table_Name LIKE '%' OR dbo.NILS_tables.Table_Description LIKE '%' " on to a gridview on the "Variables.aspx" page? NB the code for the search button is stored in the code behind file on the "Tables.aspx" page.

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// End

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Line 2: Partial Class _DefaultLine 3: Inherits System.Web.UI.PageLine 4: Protected Sub NewUserWizard_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewUserWizard.CreatedUserLine 5: ' Get the UserId of the just-added userLine 6: Dim newUser As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(NewUserWizard.UserName) also this from the error list: Error 2 'NewUserWizard' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. C:inetpubwwwrootWebSiteDefault.aspx.vb 6 60 [URL] the create wizard resides in the loginview

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</div> <div class="imageElement"> <h3>Item 2 Title</h3> <p>Item 2 Description</p> <a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a> <img src="images/stock/165392_5486.jpg" class="full" alt="Item 2 Title"> <img src="images/stock/165392_5486_002.jpg" class="thumbnail"
alt="thumbnail of Item 2 Title"> </div> </div>

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Jun 11, 2010

I have a checkbox column in a Gridview that I would like to use to insert the value of one cell in the row into an access database. There will be a maximun of five cells allowed to be selected so there can be one value written to one field in the database up to the maximum of the five fields. The access database has five columns: Selection1 ,Selection2, Selection3 ,Selection4 and Selection5

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Jun 3, 2010

i just cannot work this out... i have a gridview and when a user clicks on a row the checkbox unchecks itself... when the user clicks the row a sqldatasource.update is called from the selectedindexchanged event, problem is when it writes back to the database it writes back every checkbox as unchecked, i want just the row that's selected...

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... once i take out the where clause, it writes back to every row..!!

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Creating A Check All Box In A Gridview From The Code Behind Page?

Mar 30, 2010

I am creating a check all box in a gridview from the code behind page by

CheckBox checkAll =


i click in the checkbox -- the page reloads and the checkbox disappears.

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Forms Data Controls :: Inner Gridview Not Visible In Code-behind Page?

Oct 20, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005.

I have an Outer gridview (called grdvOUTERGRIDVIEW) and an Inner Gridview (called grdvOUTERGRIDVIEW) and I am able to see and use the outer gridview in my codep-behind vb page however when I try to handle an event for the Inner gridview then I get the warning: "handles clause requires a withevents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types".

After creating the inner gridview I closed the page out and re-opened it however still getting that error and not able to create the grdvINNERGRIDVIEW.RowDataBound event function like I am trying to do.

the gridviews are below:


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Code Reusability / Put The Code In One Class And Want To Inherit Same Code In Each Page?

Apr 12, 2010

Following is the code to insert userName from session and PageName into table to keep record that how many times a user does hit a particular page.

To avoid repitition of code I want to put the code in one class and want to inherit same code in each page.

How to get this task? Please do share with me? Here is the OK code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Code For Persisting Checked Rows In Gridview And Showing On Next Page During Paging?

Mar 2, 2011

I want to create a gridview with checkboxes. (only vb.net)

1) persist checkbox rows in paging in vb.net not c#

2) add the checked rows to datatable datasource and show on next page in paging

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Web Forms :: How To Generate HTML Code By Commands From The Code Behind Page

Dec 30, 2010

how to generate HTML code from the code behind?

I would like to build a form that generate an html code inside a for loop.

I will let the user enter the photo name and No. of photos

Then I will generate an HTML code like this:

<a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(1).jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(1).jpg" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(2).jpg" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(2).jpg" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(3).jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(3).jpg" alt=""
width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br />

depending on the No. of the photos the code will be duplicated in the loop

Then I will display the result of the loop in label or in a textarea to let the user copy it any where

The problem is that while compiling my code it considers the HTML code as a part of the behind file and gives errors on the single quote, the double quote and on the parentheses

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