Safety After Writing Some Data To HtmlControl?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a hidden input on my form, and my JavaScript code writes there dynamically generated string based on the user behavior on the page.Later, I access to that inpput via server side code.Many users will be using this page at the same time, so what about thread safety ?I mean, could it be possible that userA has an access to that string generated by userB ? Or maybe server will read that string from each user's Web Browser ?

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C# - How To Get HTML Of HtmlControl Object In Backend

Apr 23, 2010

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HtmlGenericControl titleH3 = new HtmlGenericControl("h3");
titleH3.Attributes.Add("class", "accordion");
HtmlAnchor titleAnchor = new HtmlAnchor();
titleAnchor.HRef = "#";
titleAnchor.InnerText = "Foo Bar";

What I want is a way to return a string that looks like this:

<h3 class="accordion"><a href="#">Foo Bar</a></h3>

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Thread-safety In .NET With AJAX?

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C# - Changing Membership.ApplicationName In Code - Thread Safety

Dec 5, 2010

On the MSDN page for the Membership.ApplicationName property (which applies to an membership provider), it warns that although one can change Membership.ApplicationName in code, 'The ApplicationName property is not thread safe for multiple writes, and changing the ApplicationName property value can result in unexpected behavior for multiple users of an application.' They therefore recommend avoiding using it for a 'web application'.

This is because the default SqlMembershipProvider is written as a singleton. But here's my question: is it OK if all the threads in my application process are going to set Membership.ApplicationName to the same thing?

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Thread Safety Around "web" CurrentSessionContext / ISessionFactory.GetCurrentSession?

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if (!CurrentSessionContext.HasBind(sessionFactory))

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<dob>YYYY-MM-DD- HH:MM:SS</dob>

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Writing Only Selected Data To .txt?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a page with a gridview on it. It selects rows relevent by using a querystring id passed on from the previous page.

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Stream writer = new FileStream("..''App_Data''posts''" + new Guid(post_ID.ToString()).ToString() + ".xml", FileMode.Create);

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Sep 27, 2010

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if (Model.AnnualIncome != null)


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Sep 24, 2010

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Writing .txt File When There Is Large Amount Of Data?

Jul 22, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Writing Data To Database In One Go?

Feb 9, 2010

I was just wondering that when we insert some datainto database we can use the following method.

create a sql datasourse ,
set the conection string,
set the insert comand type,
set insert parameters,
and Set the SQL Statement like
sqldatasource.insertStatement="insert into tablename(field1, field2) values(@parameter1, @parameter2)";

and then call the datasourse insert() function,
this method is usually used for single line insertion at the end of the DB.

Now I am a starter in c#,

I want to know that if There is a way that I have lots of data like some XML file that have the same table structure as the SQL database table
and I want to write that data to the database, HOw to do it Properly,

I can Still achieve the required results by iterating through XML datarows and for each row conecting to db and inserting and then disconecting dfrom the db,

But I want to know that if there is a way to do it in one go meaning I have to conect to database only one time,

Note: I already have some data in my SQL table, there are three fields(ID Name and Nickname) the ID(primary key) is INT type and auto incremented, the name and nickname are strigns.
the xml file has the structure


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Aug 24, 2010

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1. A Requester page needs to send an XML file to the provider page
2. Provider will read the XML file to authenticate the request
3. Provider will Create an xml file with some data.
4. Provider will send the xml file back to the Requester.

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Feb 19, 2010

I would like to read from a data reader (or other) and write to a grid of some kind one row at a time in a loop. I prefer this rather than load a data bound grid control all at once. I need to do this because I have to perform some calculations on the data before writing each row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Writing DataBinder In The CodeBehind?

Feb 3, 2010

I am getting error when i write the belwo code in the code behind.

Error: The name DataIem Does not exist in the context

protected void getHotDeals()
D4T.tbDealDataTable dealTable;
dealTable = dealTA.HotDeals();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


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Mar 2, 2011

How to write and deploy SSIS data transfer packages. ?

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Feb 23, 2010

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Sep 21, 2010

I've created 2 web user controls. A = User control that displays an image, and B is the user control that hosts A. I'm trying to stream an array of bytes to A, but it seems like the Response.BinaryWrite method completely overwrites any heirachial controls (I can't see any of B's other controls besides the image).

How do I get A to just display the image from the byte stream? It doesn't come from a database, it's an image I created on the fly.

A's code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Writing Output To MS Word From A Secured Folder?

Feb 16, 2011

I've got an application (written in I have a results page that spits out some calculations. Ineed to write out that output to MS Word. The catch is, this happens within a folder that is secured (only users that are logged in can generate
the word document).

Here's what I'm using to gen the document. This works ok when running it locally, but not when loaded to GoDaddy hosting.


My code seems works fine locally. However, after loading it to GoDaddy it only works on a non-secured (not subject to ASP Membership), but when trying to use it in a secured folder the page clocks and eventually closes out.

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Forms Data Controls :: Writing Values Backing Into The Database From The Gridview?

Jun 3, 2010

i just cannot work this out... i have a gridview and when a user clicks on a row the checkbox unchecks itself... when the user clicks the row a sqldatasource.update is called from the selectedindexchanged event, problem is when it writes back to the database it writes back every checkbox as unchecked, i want just the row that's selected...

what i can't work out is i've tried putting a where clause in the sqlcommand which is something like where primarykeyID = gridview1.selectedvalue... now it won't write anything back to the database...!!!
... once i take out the where clause, it writes back to every row..!!

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Forms Data Controls :: Which Report Toll To Use - Writing Site In Vs2005 - C#

Apr 19, 2010

I'm writing an site in vs2005 c#, I'm using google charts api and found a lot of disadvantages. Which tools do you use and recommend? I need charts, pies, bars and data presentation, even payed systems can be considered(<200$ per server). I used in the past the buid in reports viewer which has a lot of bugs.

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Forms Data Controls :: Writing Event Handler For Nested Grid In Page_Init()?

Jul 19, 2010

my nested Grid Rowupdating Event is not fired., so i want to declare event in code., how can i do this/


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