Getting Data From Controls In <asp:wizard>?

Feb 17, 2011

Is there a way to get data on the "last step" from previous steps?I am interested in pulling data from couple of controls in each step, and then build the object and insert the new object to the data base.

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AJAX :: Wizard In Update Panel - When Click Any Button The Wizard Disappearing

Jul 14, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing GridView Controls On Wizard Button Click?

May 28, 2010

Is there a way to access the updated text property of a TextBox which is inside a GridView cell when a Wizard controls next or previous buttons are clicked? I have a requirement to not use the edit and/or update buttons on the GridView row. Therefore, I am trying to figure out a way of grabbing the updated values of each TextBox of the GridView on the PostBack. Furthermore, these controls (i.e. Wizard and GridView) are within an AJAX UserControl.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataSource Config Wizard Not Working With DropDownList?

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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting And Paging In DataGrid Which Is Inside Asp:wizard?

Oct 7, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use A Custom Wizard To Make Entries In Multiple Tables

Apr 8, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 with SQL Server Express databases in my .net 3.5 website

I have three tables I'd like to make entries to when the user completes a wizrd i've setup on a web form.

The First Step - The user enters basic information about their "Case". The table looks like so:

db_Cases - CaseId PK auto int, CustomerId, etc fields

The Second Step - The user enters information about the "Debtors" that are related to this "Case". Think of this as being products....The only difference is these records wont be used over and over again like a product would. The user may need to enter data about several "Debtors", just like if you needed to show several different products on an invoice. For example the user may need to enter information about a husband and wife. This means two entries in the "Debtors" table. The table looks like so:

db_Debtors - DebtorId PK auto int, etc fields

The Third Step - Here's my problem. This step needs to make entries into a third table called "CaseDetails". Again, this is just like if you were creating an invoice with several different products on it, where you would want to get a subtotal of each product's cost. The table looks like so:

db_CaseDetails - CaseDeatailId PK auto int, CaseId int, DebtorId, int

* When this table is later viewed, It will reflect all "Debtors" attached to the specific "Case" being viewed.

The first two steps aren't a problem, I pretty well have that handled in the wizard. BUT How do I create the entries in the "CaseDetails" table when the user finishes?

My idea right now is..... Considering the "Debtors" will be re-used but only on rare occations, I'm thinking I should just add the "CaseId" that was created in step one, to the "Debtors" table at the same time the "Debtor" is created. So the table would look like so.

db_Debtors - DebtorId PK auto int, CaseId int, Name, Address, etc

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DataSource Controls :: Can't DDS Package That's Have Been Save From SQL Server Data Import/Export Wizard

Feb 23, 2010

I have to export some data from excel to sql server. So, I just used simply Import/Export wizard from Management Studio.

Fill up and set the all necessary according to this wizard, after that I saved as SSIS Package.

Because, I have to run this package several time, but unfortunately, I can't find it where she saved it.

That may be funny, but really i can't find it out So, How to i save this package?

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Validate GridView Items In Wizard Control?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to validate that a GridView logated in one of the steps of the Wizard Control is populated by the user before the Next button is clicked. What I mean is that I need to block Next (or Prev) button until the user populates a gridview, once the gridview has at least one element then enable the (Next/Prev) buttons. How can I enable/disable Next/Prev buttons within a specific step?.

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Forms Data Controls :: Loosing Client Input When Navigating Back In Wizard Control?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm using Wizard control to collect some information. I have Repeater control in my Wizard control. when client inputs information and clicks next button he gets to next WizardStep, thou from next step when client clicks previous button and navigates to previous step Repeater control's input fields are empty. How can I store client input so when he will navigate back he could see previously added information. I don't want to use any client or server side session management techniques, because I think viewstate is enough. I think my problem is I don't bind Repeater control in a right place, besides, all the controls inside my Repeater control are loading dynamically.

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Doesn't Work Correctly When It's Included In A Wizard Control?

Jul 22, 2010

when i am trying to use a repeater to display data in a wizard control, everything seems worked as expected before i change the value of wizard's DisplaySideBar, here is my demo code:Test.aspx:




guys who intrest on this you can copy this code and test it on your pc, when we click the link button in repeater's item will do nothing at the first time but it will work when we click it again.i have debug this and found that when the page is not in post back, the linkbutton's id will be "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl01 _lbEdit" in prerender method but after render it will change to "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl04 _lbEdit", but when page have been post back, the clientid will be correct as "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl01_lbEdit" and then event can be fired correctly.i thought this is a bug of .net framework, when i set the value of wizard's DisplaySideBar, it will ask to re-create controls but repeater haven't clean the item's count and then recreate item will use wrong item index, i hope this message can be post to .net framework team and they can find out what's the matter on it.

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Forms Data Controls :: When Open The The Configure Data Source Wizard, The "Specify Columns From A Table Or View" Shows Gray?

May 18, 2010

When i open the The Configure Data Source wizard, the "Specify columns from a table or view" shows gray, I cannot choose it. How can I do it.

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Data Form Wizard - Exist?

Jun 27, 2010

I found this link: [URL] and yes, yes I would like to use a data form wizard but I can't find one in my visual studio 2010. Any reason why and can download it from somewhere?

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Delete Data From Gridview Which Is Using Datasource And SP Using Wizard

Mar 2, 2010

I am using a gridview to select, delete and update data in database. I have written a single SP for doing all these operation. Based on a parameter SP decides which operation to perform. Here is the image of my gridview

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="dsDomain"
AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="DomainId" >
<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DomainId" HeaderText="DomainId"
InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="DomainId">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Domain" HeaderText="Domain"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description"
SortExpression="Description" >
<asp:BoundField DataField="InsertionDate" HeaderText="InsertionDate"
Data Source that I am using is here
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsDomain" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:conLogin %>"
SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" CancelSelectOnNullParameter="False"
DeleteCommand="Tags.spOnlineTest_Domain" DeleteCommandType="StoredProcedure" OnDeleting="DomainDeleting">
<asp:Parameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" DefaultValue="" Name="DomainId" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" DefaultValue="" Name="Domain" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" DefaultValue="" Name="Description" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="1" Name="OperationType" Type="Byte" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="DomainId"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Size="4" Type="Int32" />

Select operation is working fine. But when I tried to delete, it says Procedure or Function 'spOnlineTest_Domain' expects parameter '@Domain', which was not supplied But I am supplying this parameter, as My Stored procedure calling is like this

EXEC Tags.spOnlineTest_Domain NULL, NULL, NULL, 1 // For Select last parameter will be 1
EXEC Tags.spOnlineTest_Domain "SelectedRow's DomainId), NULL, NULL, 4 // For Delete last parameter will be 4

My procedure has 4 parameters where last parameter will be set by programmer which will tell the program for what kind of operation to be performed. For Select only last parameter has to be Not Null. For Delete first and last parameter cannot be NULL. My first Delete parameter is Primary key of the table. I am passing this value, when a user selects a row and hit delete. I am not sure by using PropertyName="SelectedValue", will I get the right value of the ID.

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Accessing The Controls In A StartNavigationTemplate Within A Wizard?

Oct 20, 2010

wizard.FindControl does not find the control.

How do I access it so, for example, I can change the text on a button? I'm using a 3rd party source for the button text so cannot use Globalization.

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Web Forms :: How To Data Bind A Control Only Once In A Wizard Step

Jan 22, 2010

I am databinding a dropdown list in a wizard step (as long as not the first step). In the Page_Load event, I put the databinding in if (!IsPostBack) block - There is no binding happening, I guess because the system treat the next button click on the previous wizard step triggering a postback.

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Wizard Control Downside / Collect Data From Different Steps?

Jan 25, 2011

I am in the process of evaluting ASP.NET Wizard Control. Where we need to collect data from different steps, Validate data and towords the end i should be able to show summary of data.

I would like to know from group if any one of used this control and what issues they faced. Are there any limitation around this control?

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Web Forms :: Wizard Server Control And Relational Data?

Jan 17, 2010

I am building a web based insurance application with VS 2008. Using the web wizard to enter newly created policy data and related information.My question is how to handles relational data in the wizard and saving that back to the database.A general idea of the setupEach policy can have multiple policy periodsEach policy period can have multiple sections and multiple policy feesSO The new wizard allows for a single policy entry, then we move to enter the policy periods. Which can be one or many per new policy, then we move to the sections and fees which can be ne or many per policy period.Each part is a step on the wizard. Policy, Period, Sections, Fees.The multiple entries are handled with an aspxgridview.NO problem in entering the data and completing the wizard, except when it comes to actually saving the data.Saving the policy and policy period information is easy because I can get the policyID value and assign that to each policy period.Problem comes in when I save the period child info. Because I can have multiple periods, I can't determine which child data (Sections and Fees) belong to which period so as to get the period ID.What process would you suggest, and how can I achieve this.I have thought of only allowing period entry per new policy. This will certainly solve the problem in a way, but does not conform to business rules.

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Web Forms :: Viewstate Dynamic Controls In Wizard?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a question about retrieving the values from dynamic created controls. I'am using an wizard witch collects it data based on the steps in the wizard. At a certain wizard step i generate dropdownlists and textboxes depending on some records from a database. At this point no problem, the controls are created perfect. When i press the next button on the wizard i read out the eventarg e.currentstepindex, iterate throug the gridview witch is displaying the controls and try to find the control with "findcontrol" function.

The controls are "nothing" and i cant access them. THe source code of the page lets me show that the controls are there and that they have the assigned ID's.I investigated on google what the problem could be. I has to do with the viewstate and i have to regenerate the controls on page_load.

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Dynamically Show / Hide Wizard Navigation Controls

Oct 15, 2010

I have a <asp:Wizard> control with 6 or so steps. In the first 3 steps, I want to hide the default Wizard navigation (Next button, etc.), as each WizardStep's contents will handle that. For the last 3 or so steps, if possible, I want to use the built-in navigation. I've modified the <StepNavigationTemplate> contents, but that alone doesn't cut it, because it affects all steps. Here are my options:

Find a way to dynamically show or hide the StepNavigation from the codebehind. (I feel like this might be best -- is it possible?)
Use StepType with <StartNavigationTemplate>, <StepNavigationTemplate>, and <FinishNavigationTemplate> to switch between navigation options (marking multiple steps as "start" or "finish" feels like it's abusing the mechanism)
Switch to a <asp:MultiView> and handle navigation manually (I'd rather not do this)

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Web Forms :: FindControl In Dynamic Controls Inside Wizard?

Jul 16, 2010

I generate dynamically an usercontrol, the user write the quantity, 3 or 4 or 5, press generate and get N controls to fill with cars parts.I need get the values inside any textboxes but the method find never found the controls...I am using this code to generate dynamically my controls:


when the controls is loaded into the WizardStep, I need to find it to get the values inserted by the user in the textboxes.


but I never find the control always is null, I place it inside a Panel called UnidadesPanel.

my HTML.


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DataSource Controls :: Get Values From Wizard And Insert It To Database?

Dec 30, 2010

Im a PHP programmer and now I'm try to do some work with ASP.NET but I got into trouble just in the first stage of my application.Can Anyone help me find out how to get the user inserted values from CreateUserWizard and insert it to sql database. I have implemented using the following codes, but I keep getting the error message "The name 'identifier' does not exist in the current context". I have tried different approaches but any of them worked.Code:.aspx



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Security :: Access The Create User Wizard Controls?

Jul 12, 2010

How to Access the controls exist in create user step template in a createuserwizard?

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Visual Studio :: Data Source Configuration Wizard Empty When Open It?

Jan 7, 2010

data source configuration wizard empty when i open it

i was trying to copy the dialog box but was un able to do so.

it used to work but today it is just empty i am not sure what to do

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